Dr. Subrat Kumar Jena
Dr. Subrat Kumar Jena
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
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Application of Shifted Chebyshev Polynomial Based Rayleigh-Ritz method and Navier’s Technique for Vibration Analysis of a Functionally Graded Porous Beam Embedded in Kerr …
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan
Engineering with Computers, 2020
Dynamic response analysis of fractionally damped beams subjected to external loads using homotopy analysis method
RM Jena, S Chakraverty, SK Jena
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 5 (2), 355-366, 2019
Stability Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Winkler Foundation Placed in a Thermal Environment Considering the Surface Effect Using a New Refined Beam Theory
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan, F Tornabene
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2019
Hygro-Magnetic Vibration of the Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube with Nonlinear Temperature Distribution Based on a Modified Beam Theory and Nonlocal Strain Gradient Model
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan, HM Sedighi
International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2020
Vibration and buckling characteristics of nonlocal beam placed in a magnetic field embedded in Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundation using a new refined beam theory: an …
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan
The European Physical Journal Plus 135 (2), 1-18, 2020
Implementation of Hermite-Ritz method and Navier’s technique for vibration of functionally graded porous nanobeam embedded in Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation using bi …
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan, HM Sedighi
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2020
Free vibration analysis of Euler–Bernoulli nanobeam using differential transform method
SK Jena, S Chakraverty
International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering 7 …, 2018
Implementation of Haar Wavelet, Higher-Order Haar Wavelet, and Differential Quadrature Methods on Buckling Response of Strain Gradient Nonlocal beam embedded in an elastic medium
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan
Engineering with Computers, 2019
Dynamical behavior of nanobeam embedded in constant, linear, parabolic, and sinusoidal types of Winkler elastic foundation using first-Order nonlocal strain gradient model
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, F Tornabene
Materials Research Express 6 (8), 0850f2 (1-23), 2019
Dynamic behavior of an electromagnetic nanobeam using the Haar wavelet method and the higher-order Haar wavelet method
SK Jena, S Chakraverty
The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (10), 538, 2019
Differential quadrature and differential transformation methods in buckling analysis of nanobeams
SK Jena, S Chakraverty
Curved and Layered Structures 6 (1), 68-76, 2019
Time-Fractional Order Biological Systems with Uncertain Parameters
S Chakraverty, RM Jena, SK Jena
Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics 12 (1), 1-160, 2020
Buckling Behavior of Nanobeams Placed in Electromagnetic Field Using Shifted Chebyshev Polynomials-Based Rayleigh-Ritz Method
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, F Tornabene
Nanomaterials 9 (9), 2019
A novel fractional nonlocal model and its application in buckling analysis of Euler-Bernoulli nanobeam
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, RM Jena, F Tornabene
Materials Research Express 6 (5), 055016(1-17), 2019
Effects of Surface Energy and Surface Residual Stresses on Vibro-Thermal Analysis of Chiral, Zigzag, and Armchair Types of SWCNTs Using Refined Beam Theory
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan, F Tornabene
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 2020
Free vibration analysis of variable cross-section single-layered graphene nano-ribbons (SLGNRs) using differential quadrature method
SK Jena, S Chakraverty
Frontiers in Built Environment 4, 63, 2018
Implementation of non-probabilistic methods for stability analysis of nonlocal beam with structural uncertainties
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, M Malikan
Engineering with Computers, 2020
Vibration Characteristics of Nanobeam with Exponentially Varying Flexural Rigidity Resting on Linearly Varying Elastic Foundation using Differential Quadrature Method
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, F Tornabene
Materials Research Express 6 (8), 085051(1-13), 2019
Dynamic Response Analysis of Fractionally-Damped Generalized Bagley-Torvik Equation Subject to External Loads
HM Srivastava, RM Jena, S Chakraverty, SK Jena
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 27 (02), 254-268, 2020
Application of Haar wavelet discretization and differential quadrature methods for free vibration of functionally graded micro-beam with porosity using modified couple stress …
SK Jena, S Chakraverty, V Mahesh, D Harursampath
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 140, 167-185, 2022
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