Liheng Cai
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A periciliary brush promotes the lung health by separating the mucus layer from airway epithelia
B Button*, LH Cai*, C Ehre, M Kesimer, DB Hill, JK Sheehan, RC Boucher, ...
Science 337 (6097), 937-941, 2012
Tough self-healing elastomers by molecular enforced integration of covalent and reversible networks
J Wu, LH Cai+, DA Weitz+
Advanced Materials 29, 1702616, 2017
Mobility of Nonsticky Nanoparticles in Polymer Liquids
LH Cai, S Panyukov, M Rubinstein
Macromolecules 44 (19), 7853-7863, 2011
Self-healing of unentangled polymer networks with reversible bonds
EB Stukalin*, LH Cai*, NA Kumar, L Leibler, M Rubinstein
Macromolecules 46 (18), 7525-7541, 2013
Cystic fibrosis airway secretions exhibit mucin hyperconcentration and increased osmotic pressure
AG Henderson, C Ehre, B Button, LH Abdullah, LH Cai, MW Leigh, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 124 (7), 3047-3060, 2014
Hopping diffusion of nanoparticles in polymer matrices
LH Cai, S Panyukov, M Rubinstein
Macromolecules 48 (3), 847-862, 2015
Soft Poly (dimethylsiloxane) Elastomers from Architecture‐Driven Entanglement Free Design
LH Cai*, TE Kodger*, RE Guerra, AF Pegoraro, M Rubinstein, DA Weitz
Advanced Materials, 2015
One‐Step Microfluidic Fabrication of Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules in Aqueous Conditions for Protein Release
L Zhang*, LH Cai*, PS Lienemann, T Rossow, I Polenz, ...
Angewandte Chemie, 2016
Graphene oxide induced crosslinking and reinforcement of elastomers
W Xing, H Li, G Huang, LH Cai, J Wu
Composites Science and Technology 144, 223-229, 2017
Roles of mucus adhesion and cohesion in cough clearance
B Button, HP Goodell, E Atieh, YC Chen, R Williams, S Shenoy, E Lackey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (49), 12501-12506, 2018
Biocompatible Amphiphilic Hydrogel-Solid Dimer Particles as Colloidal Surfactants
D Chen, E Amstad, CX Zhao, L Cai, J Fan, Q Chen, M Hai, S Koehler, ...
ACS nano, 2017
Millimeter-Size Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Janus Micro-Particles
B Haney, D Chen, LH Cai, DA Weitz, S Ramakrishnan
Langmuir, 2019
Ultrafast Nanofiltration through Large-Area Single-Layered Graphene Membranes
Y Qin, Y Hu, S Koehler, LH Cai, J Wen, X Tan, WL Xu, Q Sheng, X Hou, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (11), 9239-9244, 2017
A high-throughput multiparameter screen for accelerated development and optimization of soluble genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors
D Koveal, PC Rosen, DJ Meyer, CM Díaz-García, Y Wang, LH Cai, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2919, 2022
Dissolvable Polyacrylamide Beads for High‐Throughput Droplet DNA Barcoding
Y Wang, T Cao, J Ko, Y Shen, W Zong, K Sheng, W Cao, S Sun, L Cai, ...
Advanced Science, 1903463, 2020
Rapid isolation of antigen-specific B-cells using droplet microfluidics
R Ding, KC Hung, A Mitra, LW Ung, D Lightwood, R Tu, D Starkie, L Cai, ...
RSC advances 10 (45), 27006-27013, 2020
Template Synthesis and Magnetic Behavior of FeNi Alloy Nanotube Arrays
D Zhou, LH Cai, F Wen, F Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 20, 821, 2007
Capillary transfer of soft films
Y Zhang, M Yin, Y Baek, K Lee, G Zangari, L Cai, B Xu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (10), 5210-5216, 2020
Molecular architecture directs linear–bottlebrush–linear triblock copolymers to self-assemble to soft reprocessable elastomers
S Nian, H Lian, Z Gong, M Zhernenkov, J Qin, LH Cai
ACS Macro Letters 8 (11), 1528-1534, 2019
Effects of Vimentin Intermediate Filaments on the Structure and Dynamics of In Vitro Multicomponent Interpenetrating Cytoskeletal Networks
Y Shen, H Wu, PJ Lu, D Wang, M Shayegan, H Li, W Shi, Z Wang, LH Cai, ...
Physical review letters 127 (10), 108101, 2021
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