Julie Swann
Julie Swann
Distinguished Professor & Department Head, NC State University
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International Series in Operations Research & Management Science
FS Hillier, CC Price
Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2001
Simple procedures for selecting the best simulated system when the number of alternatives is large
BL Nelson, J Swann, D Goldsman, W Song
Operations Research 49 (6), 950-963, 2001
Coordination of Pricing and Inventory Decisions: A Survey and Classification
LMA Chan, ZJM Shen, D Simchi-Levi, JL Swann
Handbook of quantitative supply chain analysis: Modeling in the e-business …, 2004
Estimating rates of new root caries in older adults
SO Griffin, PM Griffin, JL Swann, N Zlobin
Journal of dental research 83 (8), 634-638, 2004
Humanitarian logistics
M Çelik, Ö Ergun, B Johnson, P Keskinocak, Á Lorca, P Pekgün, J Swann
New directions in informatics, optimization, logistics, and production, 18-49, 2012
Improving humanitarian operations through technology‐enabled collaboration
Ö Ergun, L Gui, JL Heier Stamm, P Keskinocak, J Swann
Production and Operations Management 23 (6), 1002-1014, 2014
Modeling influenza pandemic and planning food distribution
A Ekici, P Keskinocak, JL Swann
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (1), 11-27, 2014
Dynamic pricing and the direct-to-customer model in the automotive industry
S Biller, LMA Chan, D Simchi-Levi, J Swann
Electronic Commerce Research 5 (2), 309-334, 2005
The engineering and science issues test (ESIT): A discipline-specific approach to assessing moral judgment
J Borenstein, MJ Drake, R Kirkman, JL Swann
Science and Engineering Ethics 16, 387-407, 2010
Evaluation of telemedicine for screening of diabetic retinopathy in the Veterans Health Administration
E Kirkizlar, N Serban, JA Sisson, JL Swann, CS Barnes, MD Williams
Ophthalmology 120 (12), 2604-2610, 2013
Engineering ethical curricula: Assessment and comparison of two approaches
MJ Drake, PM Griffin, R Kirkman, JL Swann
Journal of Engineering Education 94 (2), 223-231, 2005
Association of simulated COVID-19 vaccination and nonpharmaceutical interventions with infections, hospitalizations, and mortality
MD Patel, E Rosenstrom, JS Ivy, ME Mayorga, P Keskinocak, RM Boyce, ...
JAMA network open 4 (6), e2110782-e2110782, 2021
Operations research to improve disaster supply chain management
O Ergun, G Karakus, P Keskinocak, J Swann, M Villarreal
Operations research and management science, 2010
Pricing, production, and inventory policies for manufacturing with stochastic demand and discretionary sales
LMA Chan, D Simchi-Levi, J Swann
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (2), 149-168, 2006
Optimization of community health center locations and service offerings with statistical need estimation
PM Griffin, CR Scherrer, JL Swann
IIE transactions 40 (9), 880-892, 2008
Humanitarian logistics: advanced purchasing and pre-positioning of relief items
S Duran, Ö Ergun, P Keskinocak, JL Swann
Handbook of global logistics: Transportation in international supply chains …, 2013
Waffle House Restaurants hurricane response: A case study
Ö Ergun, JLH Stamm, P Keskinocak, JL Swann
International Journal of Production Economics 126 (1), 111-120, 2010
The impact of mass gatherings and holiday traveling on the course of an influenza pandemic: a computational model
P Shi, P Keskinocak, JL Swann, BY Lee
BMC public health 10, 1-12, 2010
New coronal caries in older adults: implications for prevention
SO Griffin, PM Griffin, JL Swann, N Zlobin
Journal of dental research 84 (8), 715-720, 2005
Customer rebates and retailer incentives in the presence of competition and price discrimination
OC Demirag, P Keskinocak, J Swann
European Journal of Operational Research 215 (1), 268-280, 2011
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