Didone Frigerio
Didone Frigerio
University of Vienna, Konrad Lorenz Research Center for Behaviour and Cognition
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Excreted corticosterone metabolites co-vary with ambient temperature and air pressure in male Greylag geese (Anser anser)
D Frigerio, J Dittami, E Möstl, K Kotrschal
General and comparative endocrinology 137 (1), 29-36, 2004
Monthly patterns of testosterone and behavior in prospective fathers
K Hirschenhauser, D Frigerio, K Grammer, MS Magnusson
Hormones and behavior 42, 172-181, 2001
Citizen science and wildlife biology: Synergies and challenges
D Frigerio, P Pipek, S Kimmig, S Winter, J Melzheimer, L Diblíková, ...
Ethology 124 (6), 365-377, 2018
Active and passive social support in families of greylag geese (Anser anser)
D Frigerio, BM Weiß, IBR Scheiber, K Kotrschal
Behaviour 142 (11-12), 1535-1557, 2005
Storytelling for narrative approaches in citizen science: towards a generalized model
A Richter, A Sieber, J Siebert, V Miczajka-Rußmann, J Zabel, D Ziegler, ...
Journal of Science Communication 18 (6), A02, 2019
Social allies modulate corticosterone excretion and increase success in agonistic interactions in juvenile hand-raised graylag geese (Anser anser)
D Frigerio, B Weiss, J Dittami, K Kotrschal
Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 (10), 1746-1754, 2003
Spatial proximity among adult siblings in greylag geese (Anser anser): evidence for female bonding?
D Frigerio, B Weiss, K Kotrschal
Acta Ethologica 3 (2), 121-125, 2001
Excreted metabolites of gonadal steroid hormones and corticosterone in greylag geese (Anser anser) from hatching to fledging
D Frigerio, E Moestl, K Kotrschal
General and Comparative Endocrinology 124 (2), 246-255, 2001
Influence of socially involved hand-raising on life history and stress responses in greylag geese
J Hemetsberger, IBR Scheiber, BM Weiß, D Frigerio, K Kotrschal
Interaction studies 11 (3), 380-395, 2010
Birds of a feather stay together: extended family bonds, clan structures and social support in greylag geese
BM Weiß, K Kotrschal, D Frigerio
Family relations issues and challenges, 69-88, 2008
Co-Creating and Implementing Quality Criteria for Citizen Science
F Heigl, B Kieslinger, KT Paul, J Uhlik, D Frigerio, D Dörler
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 5 (1), 2020
Seasonal differences of corticosterone metabolite concentrations and parasite burden in northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita): The role of affiliative interactions
V Puehringer-Sturmayr, CAF Wascher, MC Loretto, R Palme, M Stoewe, ...
PloS one 13 (1), 2018
Costs and benefits of social connectivity in juvenile Greylag geese
G Szipl, M Depenau, K Kotrschal, J Hemetsberger, D Frigerio
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-10, 2019
Primary pupils, science and a model bird species: Evidence for the efficacy of extracurricular science education
K Hirschenhauser, D Frigerio, V Leithinger, I Schenkenfelder, ...
PloS one 14 (7), 2019
Monitoring public awareness about the endangered northern bald ibis: a case study involving primary school children as citizen scientists
D Frigerio, V Puehringer-Sturmayr, B Neuböck-Hubinger, G Gegendorfer, ...
PeerJ 7, e7569, 2019
Social and environmental factors modulate leucocyte profiles in free-living Greylag geese (Anser anser)
D Frigerio, SC Ludwig, J Hemetsberger, K Kotrschal, CAF Wascher
PeerJ 5, e2792, 2017
Parental behaviour and family proximity as key to gosling survival in Greylag Geese (Anser anser)
G Szipl, A Loth, CAF Wascher, J Hemetsberger, K Kotrschal, D Frigerio
Journal of ornithology 160 (2), 473-483, 2019
Excretion patterns of coccidian oocysts and nematode eggs during the reproductive season in Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)
D Frigerio, L Cibulski, SC Ludwig, I Campderrich, K Kotrschal, ...
Journal of ornithology 157 (3), 839-851, 2016
Hidden patterns of male sex hormones and behaviour vary with life history.
K Hirschenhauser, D Frigerio
IOS press, 2005
Experimentally elevated testosterone increases status signalling in male Greylag geese (Anser anser)
D Frigerio, K Hirschenhauser, E Möstl, J Dittami, K Kotrschal
acta ethologica 7 (1), 9-18, 2004
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