Dr. B.R.R.Hari Prasad Kottu
Dr. B.R.R.Hari Prasad Kottu
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Numerical simulation and intercomparison of boundary layer structure with different PBL schemes in WRF using experimental observations at a tropical site
K Hariprasad, CV Srinivas, AB Singh, SVB Rao, R Baskaran, ...
Atmospheric research 145, 27-44, 2014
Assessment of surface layer parameterizations in ARW using micro‐meteorological observations from a tropical station
K Hari Prasad, C Venkata Srinivas, C Venkateswara Naidu, R Baskaran, ...
Meteorological Applications 23 (2), 191-208, 2016
Sensitivity analysis of atmospheric dispersion simulations by FLEXPART to the WRF-simulated meteorological predictions in a coastal environment
CV Srinivas, KH Prasad, CV Naidu, R Baskaran, B Venkatraman
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173 (2), 675-700, 2016
Assessment of atmospheric dispersion and radiological impact from the Fukushima accident in a 40-km range using a simulation approach
CV Srinivas, PT Rakesh, KH Prasad, R Venkatesan, R Baskaran, ...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 7 (2), 209-227, 2014
Numerical simulation of cyclonic storms FANOOS, NARGIS with assimilation of conventional and satellite observations using 3-DVAR
CV Srinivas, V Yesubabu, KH Prasad, B Venkatraman, S Ramakrishna
Natural hazards 63 (2), 867-889, 2012
Real-time prediction of a severe cyclone ‘Jal’over Bay of Bengal using a high-resolution mesoscale model WRF (ARW)
CV Srinivas, V Yesubabu, K Hariprasad, SSV Ramakrishna, ...
Natural Hazards 65 (1), 331-357, 2013
Impact of convective parameterization on the seasonal prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon
RPM Krishna, SA Rao, A Srivastava, HP Kottu, M Pradhan, P Pillai, ...
Climate Dynamics, 2019
Sensitivity of tropical cyclone predictions in the coupled atmosphere–ocean model WRF‐3DPWP to surface roughness schemes
M Greeshma, CV Srinivas, KBRR Hari Prasad, R Baskaran, ...
Meteorological Applications 26 (2), 324-346, 2019
A study on the influence of the Land Surface Processes on the Southwest Monsoon simulations using a Regional Climate model
CV Srinivas, DVB Rao, DH Prasad, KH Prasad, R Baskaran, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (10), 2791-2811, 2015
Impact of period and timescale of FDDA analysis nudging on the numerical simulation of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
V Yesubabu, CV Srinivas, S Ramakrishna, KH Prasad
Natural hazards 74 (3), 2109-2128, 2014
Simulation of atmospheric dispersion of airborne effluent releases at a tropical coastal site under sea-breeze circulation and internal boundary layer development
KH Prasad, BR Reddy, CV Srinivas, PT Rakesh, R Baskaran, ...
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 131 (6), 1617-1634, 2019
Land Surface Processes Simulation Over Thar Desert in Northwest India
P Raja, CV Srinivas, KH Prasad, N Singh
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173 (6), 2195-2214, 2016
Impact of horizontal resolution on sea surface temperature bias and air–sea interactions over the tropical Indian Ocean in CFSv2 coupled model
KBRR Hari Prasad, P Sreenivas, A Suryachandra Rao, G Gibies, S Kiran, ...
International Journal of Climatology 40 (11), 4903-4921, 2020
Formulation of stability-dependent empirical relations for turbulent intensities from surface layer turbulence measurements for dispersion parameterization in a lagrangian …
KH Prasad, CV Srinivas, ANV Satyanarayana, CV Naidu, R Baskaran, ...
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 127 (4), 435-450, 2015
Reducing Systematic Biases over the Indian Region in CFS V2 by Dynamical Downscaling
K Hari Prasad, DA Ramu, SA Rao, SN Hameed, D Samanta, A Srivastava
Earth and Space Science, e2020EA001507, 0
The Impact of Indian RADAR and Lightning Data Assimilation on the Short‐Range Forecasts of Heavy Rainfall Events
K Hari Prasad, VS Prasad, M Sateesh, K Amarjyothi
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 0
Wave height simulation near Kalpakkam during normal and extreme weather conditions
GM Mohan, K Hari Prasad, S Sen, CV Srinivas, R Baskaran, ...
Proceedings of the international conference on radiological safety in …, 2016
Seasonal features of atmospheric surface-layer characteristics over a tropical coastal station in Southern India
K Hari Prasad, CV Srinivas, R Baskaran, B Venkatraman
Proceedings of the international conference on radiological safety in …, 2016
Numerical simulation of atmospheric dispersion and high radiological dose zone due to accidental releases from Fukushima Power Plant
CV Srinivas, PT Rakesh, K Hariprasad, R Venkatesan, R Baskaran, ...
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