Hamisu Salihu
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Macrosomic births in the United States: determinants, outcomes, and proposed grades of risk
SL Boulet, GR Alexander, HM Salihu, MA Pass
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 188 (5), 1372-1378, 2003
Previous cesarean delivery and risks of placenta previa and placental abruption
D Getahun, Y Oyelese, HM Salihu, CV Ananth
Obstetrics & Gynecology 107 (4), 771-778, 2006
Epidemiology of prenatal smoking and perinatal outcomes
HM Salihu, RE Wilson
Early human development 83 (11), 713-720, 2007
Association of maternal body mass index, excessive weight gain, and gestational diabetes mellitus with large-for-gestational-age births
SY Kim, AJ Sharma, W Sappenfield, HG Wilson, HM Salihu
Obstetrics & Gynecology 123 (4), 737-744, 2014
Recurrence of spontaneous versus medically indicated preterm birth
CV Ananth, D Getahun, MR Peltier, HM Salihu, AM Vintzileos
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 195 (3), 643-650, 2006
Obstructive sleep apnea and severe maternal-infant morbidity/mortality in the United States, 1998-2009
JM Louis, MF Mogos, JL Salemi, S Redline, HM Salihu
Sleep 37 (5), 843-849, 2014
Barriers to the use of antenatal and obstetric care services in rural Kano, Nigeria
YM Adamu, HM Salihu
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 22 (6), 600-603, 2002
Intimate partner violence and birth outcomes: a systematic review.
A Boy, HM Salihu
International journal of fertility and women's medicine 49 (4), 159-164, 2004
Childbearing beyond maternal age 50 and fetal outcomes in the United States
HM Salihu, MN Shumpert, M Slay, RS Kirby, GR Alexander
Obstetrics & Gynecology 102 (5), 1006-1014, 2003
Extreme obesity and risk of stillbirth among black and white gravidas
HM Salihu, AL Dunlop, M Hedayatzadeh, AP Alio, RS Kirby, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 110 (3), 552-557, 2007
Maternal hepatitis B and hepatitis C carrier status and perinatal outcomes
LE Connell, HM Salihu, JL Salemi, EM August, H Weldeselasse, AK Mbah
Liver International 31 (8), 1163-1170, 2011
Maternal opioid drug use during pregnancy and its impact on perinatal morbidity, mortality, and the costs of medical care in the United States
VE Whiteman, JL Salemi, MF Mogos, MA Cain, MH Aliyu, HM Salihu
Journal of pregnancy 2014 (1), 906723, 2014
Super‐obesity and risk for early and late pre‐eclampsia
AK Mbah, JL Kornosky, S Kristensen, EM August, AP Alio, PJ Marty, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 117 (8), 997-1004, 2010
Levels of excess infant deaths attributable to maternal smoking during pregnancy in the United States
HM Salihu, MH Aliyu, BJ Pierre-Louis, GR Alexander
Maternal and child health journal 7, 219-227, 2003
A systematic review of quality of life measures in pregnant and postpartum mothers
MF Mogos, EM August, AA Salinas-Miranda, DH Sultan, HM Salihu
Applied research in quality of life 8, 219-250, 2013
Socio-ecological model as a framework for overcoming barriers and challenges in randomized control trials in minority and underserved communities
HM Salihu, RE Wilson, LM King, PJ Marty, VE Whiteman
International Journal of MCH and AIDS 3 (1), 85, 2015
The impact of paternal involvement on feto-infant morbidity among Whites, Blacks and Hispanics
AP Alio, JL Kornosky, AK Mbah, PJ Marty, HM Salihu
Maternal and child health journal 14, 735-741, 2010
Recent trends in placenta accreta in the United States and its impact on maternal–fetal morbidity and healthcare-associated costs, 1998–2011
MF Mogos, JL Salemi, M Ashley, VE Whiteman, HM Salihu
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 29 (7), 1077-1082, 2016
Maternal mortality in Northern Nigeria: a population-based study
YM Adamu, HM Salihu, N Sathiakumar, GR Alexander
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 109 (2 …, 2003
Assessment of the Institute of Medicine recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy: Florida, 2004–2007
S Park, WM Sappenfield, C Bish, H Salihu, D Goodman, DM Bensyl
Maternal and child health journal 15, 289-301, 2011
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