Poh Kit Chong
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Guaranteeing real-time services for industrial wireless sensor networks with IEEE 802.15. 4
S Yoo, PK Chong, D Kim, Y Doh, ML Pham, E Choi, J Huh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (11), 3868-3876, 2010
Pgs: Parking guidance system based on wireless sensor network
S Yoo, PK Chong, T Kim, J Kang, D Kim, C Shin, K Sung, B Jang
Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2008. ISWPC 2008. 3rd International Symposium …, 2008
S3: School zone safety system based on wireless sensor network
S Yoo, PK Chong, D Kim
Sensors 9 (8), 5968-5988, 2009
Surface-level path loss modeling for sensor networks in flat and irregular terrain
PK Chong, D Kim
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 9 (2), 1-32, 2013
Wind-blown Foliage and Human Induced Fading in Ground-Surface Narrowband Communications at 400MHz
PK Chong, SE Yoo, SH Kim, D Kim
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 60 (4), 1326-1336, 2011
Design of a fence surveillance system based on wireless sensor networks
Y Kim, D Kim, PK Chong, J Kang, E Kim, S Seo
2nd International ICST Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication …, 2010
RFMS: Real-time flood monitoring system with wireless sensor networks
J Lee, JE Kim, D Kim, PK Chong, J Kim, P Jang
Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2008. MASS 2008. 5th IEEE International …, 2008
Wireless sensor networks for cultural property protection
J Sung, S Ahn, T Park, S Jang, D Yun, J Kang, S Yoo, P Chong, D Kim
Advanced Information Networking and Applications-Workshops, 2008. AINAW 2008 …, 2008
Performance Study of Routing Protocols in ZigBee Wireless Mesh Networks
SH Kim, PK Chong, T Kim
Wireless Personal Communications 2017, 1-25, 2017
DGS: Driving guidance system based on wireless sensor network
S Yoo, PK Chong, T Park, Y Kim, D Kim, C Shin, K Sung, H Kim
Advanced Information Networking and Applications-Workshops, 2008. AINAW 2008 …, 2008
A location-free semi-directional-flooding technique for on-demand routing in low-rate wireless mesh networks
SH Kim, PK Chong, D Kim
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (12), 3066-3075, 2014
Experiments on building ubiquitous robotic space for mobile robot using wireless sensor networks
T Kim, YG Ha, J Kang, D Kim, CP Kit, JC Sohn
22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2008
Energy efficient local area source routing protocol of underwater sensor networks in the deep ocean
E Kim, J Kang, PK Chong, S Yoo, D Kim
2007 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies …, 2007
A Multi-GPU framework for in-memory text data analytics
PK Chong, EK Karuppiah, KK Yong
2013 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2013
Distributed low power scheduling in wireless sensor networks
T Kim, N Park, PK Chong, J Sung, D Kim
2007 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2007
Network latency prediction using high accuracy prediction tree
LB Ping, CP Kit, EK Karuppiah
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2013
FARCREST: Euclidean Steiner tree-based cloud service latency prediction system
BP Lim, PK Chong, EK Karuppiah, YM Yassin, A Nazir, MFN Batcha
2013 IEEE 10th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 665-668, 2013
Experiments on mobile sink application in ZigBee networks
T Kim, S Seo, CP Kit, Y Kim, S Yoo, D Kim
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 1-4, 2008
Improved Path Loss Simulation Incorporating Three-Dimensional Terrain Model Using Parallel Co-Processors
ZB Loo, PK Chong, KY Lee, WS Yap
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (Article ID 5492691), 11, 2017
Verification and Validation of the Performance of WSN
S Yoo, PK Chong, SH Kim, ML Pham
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (3), 960170, 2015
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