Mette Ranta
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The development of parental monitoring during adolescence: A meta-analysis
F Lionetti, BE Palladino, C Moses Passini, M Casonato, O Hamzallari, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16 (5), 552-580, 2019
Career and romantic relationship goals and concerns during emerging adulthood
M Ranta, J Dietrich, K Salmela-Aro
Emerging Adulthood 2 (1), 17-26, 2014
The roles of social–emotional skills in students’ academic and life success: A multi-informant and multicohort perspective.
J Guo, X Tang, HW Marsh, P Parker, G Basarkod, B Sahdra, M Ranta, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 124 (5), 1079, 2023
Young adults' personal concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland: an issue for social concern
M Ranta, G Silinskas, TA Wilska
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 40 (9/10), 1201-1219, 2020
The economic stress model in emerging adulthood: The role of social relationships and financial capability
M Ranta, RL Punamäki, A Chow, K Salmela-Aro
Emerging Adulthood 8 (6), 496-508, 2020
Subjective financial situation and financial capability of young adults in Finland
M Ranta, K Salmela-Aro
International Journal of Behavioral Development 42 (6), 525-534, 2018
Warm and supportive parenting can discourage offspring’s civic engagement in the transition to adulthood
MK Pavlova, RK Silbereisen, M Ranta, K Salmela-Aro
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 2197-2217, 2016
Trajectories of life satisfaction and the financial situation in the transition to adulthood
M Ranta, A Chow, K Salmela-Aro
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 4 (1), 57-77, 2013
Financial behaviour under economic strain in different age groups: predictors and change across 20 years
G Silinskas, M Ranta, TA Wilska
Journal of consumer policy 44, 235-257, 2021
Young adults' online shopping addiction: The role of self‐regulation and smartphone use
J Nyrhinen, K Lonka, A Sirola, M Ranta, TA Wilska
International Journal of Consumer Studies 47 (5), 1871-1884, 2023
Entrepreneurship as a neglected pitfall in future Finnish teachers’ readiness to teach 21st century competencies and financial literacy: Expectancies, values, and capability
M Ranta, M Kruskopf, M Kortesalmi, P Kalmi, K Lonka
Education Sciences 12 (7), 463, 2022
Emerging adulthood in Finland
K Salmela-Aro, FM Sortheix, M Ranta
Emerging adulthood in a European context, 138-153, 2015
Pathways to adulthood: Developmental tasks, financial resources and agency
M Ranta
Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research, 2015
Suomalaisten talousosaaminen: Analyysi 2000-luvulla tehtyjen tutkimusten ja selvitysten perusteella
A Raijas, P Kalmi, M Ranta, OP Ruuskanen
The role of financial resources and agency in success and satisfaction regarding developmental tasks in early adulthood
M Ranta, RL Punamäki, A Tolvanen, K Salmela-Aro
Economic Stress and the Family, 187-233, 2012
Career and romantic relationship goals and concerns during emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 2 (1), 17–26
M Ranta, J Dietrich, K Salmela-Aro
Adolescents’ preparedness and motivation across the transition to post-comprehensive education
R Lazarides, J Viljaranta, M Ranta, K Salmela-Aro
Contemporary Educational Psychology 49, 151-159, 2017
Young adults’ conceptions of the sacred in Finland today
M Ranta, AB Pessi, H Grönlund
Young 25 (1), 45-65, 2017
Yksin yliopistokaupungissa: opiskelijoiden yksinäisyyskokemukset elämänkulun tutkimusperinteen näkökulmasta
V Välimäki, M Ranta, H Grönlund, N Junttila, AB Pessi
Nuorisotutkimus 36 (3), 38-56, 2018
Suomalaisten talousosaaminen tarkastelussa
P Kalmi, S Vaahtoniemi, A Raijas, M Ranta, OP Ruuskanen, G Buturak
Taloustieteellinen Yhdistys, 2023
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