Eddy current interactions in a ferromagnet-normal metal bilayer structure, and its impact on ferromagnetic resonance lineshapes V Flovik, F Macià, AD Kent, E Wahlström
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (14), 2015
55 2015 Describing synchronization and topological excitations in arrays of magnetic spin torque oscillators through the Kuramoto model V Flovik, F Macià, E Wahlström
Scientific reports, 2016
49 2016 Generation of single skyrmions by picosecond magnetic field pulses V Flovik, A Qaiumzadeh, AK Nandy, C Heo, T Rasing
Physical Review B 96, 140411(R), 2017
34 2017 Eddy-current effects on ferromagnetic resonance: spin wave excitations and microwave screening effects V Flovik, BH Pettersen, E Wahlström
Journal of Applied Physics, 2016
29 2016 Tailoring the magnetodynamic properties of nanomagnets using magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropies V Flovik, F Macià, JM Hernàndez, R Brucas, M Hanson, E Wahlstrôm
Physical Review B 92, 104406, 2015
21 2015 Thickness and temperature dependence of the magnetodynamic damping of pulsed laser deposited on (111)-oriented SrTi V Flovik, F Macià, S Lendínez, JM Hernàndez, I Hallsteinsen, T Tybell, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016
19 * 2016 Dynamic wettability alteration in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media: Effect on transport properties and critical slowing down V Flovik, S Sinha, A Hansen
Frontiers in Physics, 2015
12 2015 Arrays of elliptical Fe (001) nanoparticles: Magnetization reversal, dipolar interactions, and effects of finite array sizes M Hanson, R Bručas, TJ Antosiewicz, RK Dumas, B Hjörvarsson, V Flovik, ...
Physical Review B 92 (9), 094436, 2015
6 2015 Magnetization dynamics in nanostructures V Flovik
NTNU, 2016
5 2016 Quantifying Distribution Shifts and Uncertainties for Enhanced Model Robustness in Machine Learning Applications V Flovik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.01978, 2024
2 2024 The impact of wettability alterations on oil release and transport mechanisms in a 2D porous medium V Flovik
Institutt for fysikk, 2012
2 2012 The NASA and DNV Challenge on Optimization Under Uncertainty C Agrell, LG Crespo, V Flovik, E Vanem, S Kenny
2024 Point Cloud Data Simulation and Modelling with Aize Workspace B Mocialov, E Eythorsson, R Parseh, H Tran, V Flovik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.07947, 2023
2023 Kalvelykke. Erfaringer og løsninger i fjøs og på beite for økt samvær mellom melkeku og kalv K Sørheim, JRE Johanssen, SA Adler, BS Skarbø, Y Cao, OH Berntsen, ...
Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, 2022