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117 1996 Energy transfer in ZnWO4 and CdWO4 scintillators V Nagirnyi, E Feldbach, L Jönsson, M Kirm, A Kotlov, A Lushchik, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
102 2002 Luminescence of free and self-trapped excitons in wide-gap oxides A Lushchik, M Kirm, C Lushchik, I Martinson, G Zimmerer
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83 2002 Creation of nanosize defects in LiF crystals under 5- and Au ion irradiation at room temperature A Lushchik, C Lushchik, K Schwartz, E Vasil’chenko, R Papaleo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (5), 054114, 2007
79 2007 Multiplication of electronic excitations in CaO and YAlO3 crystals with free and self-trapped excitons C Lushchik, E Feldbach, A Frorip, M Kirm, A Lushchik, A Maaroos, ...
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74 1994 Decay of Electronic Excitations with the Formation of Defects in Solids CB Lushchik, AC Lushchik
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Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (2), 379, 2005
60 2005 Defect creation caused by the decay of cation excitons and hot electron–hole recombination in wide-gap dielectrics A Lushchik, C Lushchik, M Kirm, V Nagirnyi, F Savikhin, E Vasil’chenko
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2006
57 2006 Stabilization and annealing of interstitials formed by radiation in binary metal oxides and fluorides A Lushchik, C Lushchik, K Schwartz, E Vasil’Chenko, T Kärner, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
55 2008 Creation and clustering of Frenkel defects at high density of electronic excitations in wide-gap materials A Lushchik, C Lushchik, K Schwartz, F Savikhin, E Shablonin, A Shugai, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2012
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47 2011 Electronic excitations and defect creation in wide-gap MgO and Lu3Al5O12 crystals irradiated with swift heavy ions A Lushchik, T Kärner, C Lushchik, K Schwartz, F Savikhin, E Shablonin, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2012
42 2012 Dependence of long‐lived defect creation on excitation density in MgO single crystals A Lushchik, T Kärner, C Lushchik, E Vasil'Chenko, S Dolgov, ...
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38 2007 Multiplication of electronic excitations in nanophosphors Lu2O3: Eu3+ and Lu2O3: Tb3+ VN Makhov, C Lushchik, A Lushchik, M Kirm, ZF Wang, WP Zhang, M Yin, ...
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36 2009 VUV spectroscopy and electronic excitations in nano-size alumina M Kirm, E Feldbach, A Kotlov, P Liblik, A Lushchik, M Oja, E Palcevskis
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