Henning Winker
Henning Winker
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Half a century of global decline in oceanic sharks and rays
N Pacoureau, CL Rigby, PM Kyne, RB Sherley, H Winker, JK Carlson, ...
Nature 589 (7843), 567-571, 2021
Estimating fisheries reference points from catch and resilience
R Froese, N Demirel, G Coro, KM Kleisner, H Winker
Fish and Fisheries 18 (3), 506-526, 2017
A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data
R Froese, H Winker, G Coro, N Demirel, AC Tsikliras, D Dimarchopoulou, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (6), 2004-2015, 2018
Status and rebuilding of European fisheries
R Froese, H Winker, G Coro, N Demirel, AC Tsikliras, D Dimarchopoulou, ...
Marine Policy 93, 159-170, 2018
JABBA: just another Bayesian biomass assessment
H Winker, F Carvalho, M Kapur
Fisheries Research 204, 275-288, 2018
Size matters: how single-species management can contribute to ecosystem-based fisheries management
R Froese, A Stern-Pirlot, H Winker, D Gascuel
Fisheries Research 92 (2-3), 231-241, 2008
Marine protected area improves yield without disadvantaging fishers
SE Kerwath, H Winker, A Götz, CG Attwood
Nature communications 4 (1), 2347, 2013
Minimizing the Impact of Fishing
R Froese, H Winker, D Gascuel, UR Sumalia, D Pauly
Fish and Fisheries, 2016
Ecosystem change in the southern Benguela and the underlying processes
LK Blamey, LJ Shannon, JJ Bolton, RJM Crawford, F Dufois, H Evers-King, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 144, 9-29, 2015
A critique of the balanced harvesting approach to fishing
R Froese, C Walters, D Pauly, H Winker, OLF Weyl, N Demirel, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (6), 1640-1650, 2016
Comparison of two approaches to standardize catch-per-unit-effort for targeting behaviour in a multispecies hand-line fishery
H Winker, SE Kerwath, CG Attwood
Fisheries Research 139, 118-131, 2013
Sphyrna lewini
CL Rigby, NK Dulvy, R Barreto, J Carlson, D Fernando, S Fordham, ...
The IUCN red list of threatened species 2019, 2019
A cookbook for using model diagnostics in integrated stock assessments
F Carvalho, H Winker, D Courtney, M Kapur, L Kell, M Cardinale, ...
Fisheries Research 240, 105959, 2021
Accounting for spatiotemporal variation and fisher targeting when estimating abundance from multispecies fishery data
JT Thorson, R Fonner, MA Haltuch, K Ono, H Winker
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (11), 1794-1807, 2016
Bayesian inference reveals positive but subtle effects of experimental fishery closures on marine predator demographics
RB Sherley, BJ Barham, PJ Barham, KJ Campbell, RJM Crawford, J Grigg, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1871), 20172443, 2018
Isurus oxyrinchus
CL Rigby, R Barreto, J Carlson, D Fernando, S Fordham, MP Francis, ...
The IUCN red list of threatened species, 2019-1, 2019
Estimating stock status from relative abundance and resilience
R Froese, H Winker, G Coro, N Demirel, AC Tsikliras, D Dimarchopoulou, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 527-538, 2020
Proof of concept for a novel procedure to standardize multispecies catch and effort data
H Winker, SE Kerwath, CG Attwood
Fisheries Research 155, 149-159, 2014
Life history and population dynamics of invasive common carp, Cyprinus carpio, within a large turbid African impoundment
H Winker, OLF Weyl, AJ Booth, BR Ellender
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (11), 1270-1280, 2011
Bottom-up effects of a no-take zone on endangered penguin demographics
RB Sherley, H Winker, R Altwegg, CD van der Lingen, SC Votier, ...
Biology letters 11 (7), 20150237, 2015
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