LCM ver. 2: Efficient mining algorithms for frequent/closed/maximal itemsets T Uno, M Kiyomi, H Arimura
Fimi 126, 2004
636 2004 Lcm ver. 3: Collaboration of array, bitmap and prefix tree for frequent itemset mining T Uno, M Kiyomi, H Arimura
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on open source data mining …, 2005
250 2005 Swapping labeled tokens on graphs K Yamanaka, ED Demaine, T Ito, J Kawahara, M Kiyomi, Y Okamoto, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 586, 81-94, 2015
108 2015 Depth-first search using bits T Asano, T Izumi, M Kiyomi, M Konagaya, H Ono, Y Otachi, P Schweitzer, ...
International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 553-564, 2014
54 2014 Exploring the gap between treedepth and vertex cover through vertex integrity T Gima, T Hanaka, M Kiyomi, Y Kobayashi, Y Otachi
Theoretical Computer Science 918, 60-76, 2022
37 2022 Random generation and enumeration of proper interval graphs T Saitoh, K Yamanaka, M Kiyomi, R Uehara
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 93 (7), 1816-1823, 2010
30 2010 Enumeration of nonisomorphic interval graphs and nonisomorphic permutation graphs K Yamazaki, T Saitoh, M Kiyomi, R Uehara
Theoretical Computer Science 806, 310-322, 2020
23 2020 A framework to design approximation algorithms for finding diverse solutions in combinatorial problems T Hanaka, M Kiyomi, Y Kobayashi, Y Kobayashi, K Kurita, Y Otachi
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (4), 3968-3976, 2023
22 2023 Alliances in graphs of bounded clique-width M Kiyomi, Y Otachi
Discrete Applied Mathematics 223, 91-97, 2017
18 2017 Generating chordal graphs included in given graphs M Kiyomi, T Uno
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 89 (2), 763-770, 2006
16 2006 Generalized Amazons is PSPACE-complete T Furtak, M Kiyomi, T Uno, M Buro
IJCAI, 132-137, 2005
16 2005 Voronoi game on a path M Kiyomi, T Saitoh, R Uehara
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 94 (6), 1185-1189, 2011
14 2011 Listing chordal graphs and interval graphs M Kiyomi, S Kijima, T Uno
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 32nd International Workshop …, 2006
13 2006 Longest common subsequence in sublinear space M Kiyomi, T Horiyama, Y Otachi
Information Processing Letters 168, 106084, 2021
11 2021 Integer programming based algorithms for peg solitaire problems M Kiyomi, T Matsui
Computers and Games: Second International Conference, CG 2000 Hamamatsu …, 2001
11 2001 Parameterized Complexity of -Path Packing R Belmonte, T Hanaka, M Kanzaki, M Kiyomi, Y Kobayashi, Y Kobayashi, ...
Algorithmica 84 (4), 871-895, 2022
8 2022 Space-efficient algorithms for longest increasing subsequence M Kiyomi, H Ono, Y Otachi, P Schweitzer, J Tarui
35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2018), 44 …, 2018
8 2018 A tight lower bound for convexly independent subsets of the Minkowski sums of planar point sets. O Bílka, K Buchin, R Fulek, M Kiyomi, Y Okamoto, S Tanigawa, CD Tóth
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only] 17 (1), Research …, 2010
8 2010 Algorithmic folding complexity J Cardinal, ED Demaine, ML Demaine, S Imahori, T Ito, M Kiyomi, ...
Graphs and Combinatorics 27, 341-351, 2011
7 2011 On listing, sampling, and counting the chordal graphs with edge constraints S Kijima, M Kiyomi, Y Okamoto, T Uno
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 458-467, 2008
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