Άρθρα με εντολές δημόσιας πρόσβασης - Ruben VanderlindeΜάθετε περισσότερα
Δεν είναι διαθέσιμο πουθενά: 1
Short interims, long impact? A follow-up study on early career teachers' induction
S Marent, A Deketelaere, K Jokikokko, R Vanderlinde, G Kelchtermans
Teaching and Teacher Education 88, 102962, 2020
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Διαθέσιμο κάπου: 15
Transformational school leadership as a key factor for teachers’ job attitudes during their first year in the profession
L Thomas, M Tuytens, G Devos, G Kelchtermans, R Vanderlinde
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 48 (1), 106-132, 2020
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Teachers’ first year in the profession: The power of high-quality support
L Thomas, M Tuytens, N Moolenaar, G Devos, G Kelchtermans, ...
Teachers and Teaching 25 (2), 160-188, 2019
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Beginning teachers’ professional support: A mixed methods social network study
L Thomas, M Tuytens, G Devos, G Kelchtermans, R Vanderlinde
Teaching and Teacher education 83, 134-147, 2019
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Developing educational materials about risks on social network sites: a design based research approach
E Vanderhoven, T Schellens, R Vanderlinde, M Valcke
Educational technology research and development 64, 459-480, 2016
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Measuring ICT use and contributing conditions in primary schools
R Vanderlinde, K Aesaert, J Van Braak
British Journal of Educational Technology 46 (5), 1056-1063, 2015
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The relation between physical education teachers’(de-) motivating style, students’ motivation, and students’ physical activity: A multilevel approach
N Van Doren, K De Cocker, T De Clerck, A Vangilbergen, R Vanderlinde, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (14), 7457, 2021
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Exploring the effectiveness of video-vignettes to develop mathematics student teachers' feedback competence
L Muñiz Rodríguez, P Alonso Velázquez, LJ Rodríguez Muñiz, ...
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2018
Εντολές: Government of Spain
In pursuit of beginning teachers’ competence in promoting reading motivation: A mixed-methods study into the impact of a continuing professional development program
I Vansteelandt, SE Mol, R Vanderlinde, MK Lerkkanen, H Van Keer
Teaching and Teacher Education 96, 103154, 2020
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to beginning teachers’ job attitudes
L Thomas, B Rienties, M Tuytens, G Devos, G Kelchtermans, ...
Research Papers in Education 36 (5), 611-636, 2021
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Unpacking the collegial network structure of beginning teachers’ primary school teams: a mixed method social network study
L Thomas, M Tuytens, G Devos, G Kelchtermans, R Vanderlinde
Mixed methods social network analysis, 139-158, 2019
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Observing physical education teachers’ need-supportive and need-thwarting styles using a circumplex approach: how does it relate to student outcomes?
N Van Doren, K De Cocker, N Flamant, S Compernolle, R Vanderlinde, ...
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 1-25, 2023
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Collaboration and shared responsibility in team teaching: a large-scale survey study
A Decuyper, H Tack, B Vanblaere, M Simons, R Vanderlinde
Education Sciences 13 (9), 896, 2023
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Teaching in a Shared Classroom: Unveiling the Effective Teaching Behavior of Beginning Team Teaching Teams Using a Qualitative Approach
D Mariën, R Vanderlinde, E Struyf
Education Sciences 13 (11), 1075, 2023
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
‘Let’s Teach as We Preach’: The Design of a Professional Development Initiative to Support Teacher Educators’ Responsiveness to Diversity
B Ponet, W Vantieghem, H Tack, R Vanderlinde
Education Sciences 13 (7), 755, 2023
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Aandacht voor effectief lesgeefgedrag tijdens het mentoringsgesprek: Een grootschalig vragenlijstonderzoek bij mentoren in Vlaanderen
A Decuyper, H Tack, R Vanderlinde
Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders 44 (1), 2023
Εντολές: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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