Ericka Darmawan
Ericka Darmawan
Doktor Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Tidar
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Παρατίθεται από
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PBL) Pada Materi Ekosistem Terhadap Sikap dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMAN 2 Malang
E Darmawan
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2009
Strategi Belajar Mengajar Biologi
E Darmawan, N Ismirawati, RH Ristanto, PP Rumah
Penerbit Pustaka Rumah C1nta, 2021
Digital Flipbook Imunopedia (DFI): A Development in Immune system e-learning media
R Ristanto, R Rusdi, R Mahardika, E Darmawan, N Ismirawati
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
Enhancing metacognitive skills of students with different gender using simas eric learning model at state senior high school 6 Malang
E Darmawan, Y Brasilita, S Zubaidah, M Saptasari
Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 11 (1), 48-57, 2018
Pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran simas eric (skimming-mind mapping-questioning-exploring-writing-communicating) pada siswa berkemampuan akademik berbeda terhadap …
E Darmawan
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2017
Simas Eric Learning Model (SELM): Enhance Student Metacognitive Skill Based on the Academic Level.
E Darmawan, S Zubaidah, RH Ristanto, MRA Zamzami, B Wahono
International Journal of Instruction 13 (4), 623-642, 2020
Empowering student’s metacognitive skill through cirsa learning
R Djamahar, RH Ristanto, N Sartono, IZ Ichsan, E Darmawan, A Muhlisin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1227 (1), 012001, 2019
Approaches to respiratory and excretion systems teaching: an innovative learning through cirsa
R Djamahar, RH Ristanto, N Sartono, E Darmawan
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (6), 2204-2210, 2020
Simas eric model to improve students’ critical thinking skills
E Darmawan, S Zubaidah, H Susilo, H Suwono
Journal of Education & Social Policy 3 (6), 45-53, 2016
Pengembangan model pembelajaran simas eric (skimming, mind mapping, questioning, exploring, writing, communicating) menggunakan learning development
E Darmawan, S Zubaidah, H Susilo, H Suwono
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi, 694-709, 2015
The role of students’ worldview on decision-making: An Indonesian case study by a socio-scientific issue-based instruction through integrated STEM education
B Wahono, E Narulita, CY Chang, E Darmawan, I Irwanto
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 17 (11), em2027, 2021
Biology reading literacy: Measurement and empowerment through circ learning model
R Ristanto, E Darmawan
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 (4), 1305-1318, 2020
Integration of Simas eric with google classroom: enhancing biology students motivation and scientific writing
E Darmawan, MRN Alamsyah, KG Permadani, SJ Pamungkas, S Prajoko, ...
Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 12 (1), 1-12, 2019
SIMAS ERI Learning Model Based on Lesson Study to Increase Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes
E Darmawan, S Zubaidah, S Herawati, H Suwono, SE Indriwati
Internasional Journal of Research and Review 4 (4), 40-47, 2017
Penerapan Video Edukasi untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Penggunaan Ramuan Herbal Selama Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Kelompok Remaja Kecamatan Loceret Kabupaten Nganjuk
AM Santoso, GS Hanggara, Z Afandi, ES Mujiwati, H Budiono, ...
Jurnal Kontribusi 1 (2), 126-137, 2021
Biology teachers: Knowledge in authentic assessment through cooperative integrated reading and composition based scientific approach (Cirsa)
RH Ristanto, R Djamahar, E Darmawan
Indonesian Journal of Science and Education 4 (2), 111-124, 2020
Enhancing biology students motivation through classroom action research based STAD learning model
EM Hijriyah, E Darmawan, MRA Zamzami
Indonesian Journal of Biology Education 1 (1), 9-16, 2018
Penyempurnaan integrasi model pembelajaran simas eri dan blended learning terhadap hasil belajar
E Darmawan, S Zubaidah, H Susilo, H Suwono
Proceedings of 1st National Conference and Workshop Science and Learning, 2014
The Effectiveness of the SAVI Learning Model in Improving Students’ Metacognitive and Critical Thinking Skills in MAN Kota Magelang
SF Hasan, E Darmawan, I Sukmawati
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi 14 (1), 67-78, 2023
The bio-repropedia website and biological literacy: Developing of reproductive system learning media
RH Ristanto, R Djamahar, M Rifan, DV Sigit, E Darmawan, S Prajoko
AIP Conference Proceedings 2595 (1), 2023
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