Marina Baldi
Marina Baldi
Istituto per la BioEconomia, CNR-IBE
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Changes in means and extreme events of temperature and precipitation in the Asia-Pacific network region
G Ren, B Trewin, M Baldi, P Gomboluudev
Int. J. Climatol 29, 1906-1925, 2009
Floods and climate: emerging perspectives for flood risk assessment and management
B Merz, J Aerts, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen, M Baldi, A Becker, A Bichet, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (7), 1921-1942, 2014
The detection of mixed layer depth and entrainment zone thickness from lidar backscatter profiles
DG Steyn, M Baldi, RM Hoff
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 16 (7), 953-959, 1999
Relations between climate variability in the Mediterranean region and the tropics: ENSO, South Asian and African monsoons, hurricanes and Saharan dust
P Alpert, M Baldi, R Ilani, S Krichak, C Price, X Rodó, H Saaroni, B Ziv, ...
Developments in earth and environmental sciences 4, 149-177, 2006
Heat waves in the Mediterranean: a local feature or a larger‐scale effect?
M Baldi, G Dalu, G Maracchi, M Pasqui, F Cesarone
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2006
The climatology of sea breezes on Sardinia
M Furberg, DG Steyn, M Baldi
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2002
A multi‐year study of sea breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain)
C Azorin‐Molina, D Chen, S Tijm, M Baldi
International Journal of climatology 31 (3), 468-486, 2011
Influence of the Mediterranean Sea on the West African monsoon: Intraseasonal variability in numerical simulations
M Gaetani, B Fontaine, P Roucou, M Baldi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D24), 2010
New perspectives on land–atmosphere feedbacks from the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis
CM Taylor, DJ Parker, N Kalthoff, MA Gaertner, N Philippon, S Bastin, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 12 (1), 38-44, 2011
Linear impact of thermal inhomogeneities on mesoscale atmospheric flow with zero synoptic wind
GA Dalu, RA Pielke, R Avissar, G Kallos, M Baldi, A Guerrini
Annales Geophysicae 9 (ISSN: 0939-4176), 1991
Heat and momentum fluxes induced by thermal inhomogeneities with and without large-scale flow
GA Dalu, RA Pielke, M Baldi, X Zeng
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 53 (22), 3286-3302, 1996
Hail occurrence in Italy: Towards a national database and climatology
M Baldi, V Ciardini, JD Dalu, T De Filippis, G Maracchi, G Dalu
Atmospheric research 138, 268-277, 2014
Past and current climate changes in the Mediterranean region
U Ulbrich, E Xoplaki, S Dobricic, R García-Herrera, P Lionello, M Adani, ...
Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 1: Air …, 2013
Jetstream and rainfall distribution in the Mediterranean region
M Gaetani, M Baldi, GA Dalu, G Maracchi
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (9), 2469-2481, 2011
Vertical velocities and available potential energy generated by landscape variability—Theory
M Baldi, GA Dalu, RA Pielke Sr
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47 (2), 397-410, 2008
La conservazione ex situ della biodiversità delle specie vegetali spontanee e coltivate in Italia. Stato dell'arte, criticità e azioni da compiere. Manuali e Linee Guida ISPRA
A Alicia, A Alonzi, P Annicchiarico, D Antonacci, S Aprile, D Avanzato, ...
ISPRA 54, 1-205, 2010
Seasonal differences in climate in the Chianti region of Tuscany and the relationship to vintage wine quality
MJ Salinger, M Baldi, D Grifoni, G Jones, G Bartolini, S Cecchi, G Messeri, ...
International Journal of Biometeorology 59, 1799-1811, 2015
Heat waves in the Mediterranean region: analysis and model results
M Baldi, M Pasqui, F Cesarone, G De Chiara
16th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 9-13, 2005
Mediterranean climate patterns and wine quality in North and Central Italy
JD Dalu, M Baldi, A Dalla Marta, S Orlandini, G Maracchi, G Dalu, ...
International journal of biometeorology 57, 729-742, 2013
A hydrological onset and withdrawal index for the West African monsoon
GA Dalu, M Gaetani, M Baldi
Theoretical and applied climatology 96 (1), 179-189, 2009
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