Άρθρα με εντολές δημόσιας πρόσβασης - Dr. Mohsin ShahzadΜάθετε περισσότερα
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Does the interaction between the knowledge management process and sustainable development practices boost corporate green innovation?
M Shahzad, Y Qu, AU Zafar, A Appolloni
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2021
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Διαθέσιμο κάπου: 16
Exploring the Influence of Knowledge Management on Corporate Sustainable Performance through Green Innovation
M Shahzad, Y Qu, AU Zafar, SU Rehman, T Islam
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Relation of environment sustainability to CSR and green innovation: A case of Pakistani manufacturing industry
M Shahzad, Y Qu, SA Javed, AU Zafar, SU Rehman
Journal of Cleaner Production 253, 119938, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The impact of social media celebrities' posts and contextual interactions on impulse buying in social commerce
AU Zafar, J Qiu, Y Li, J Wang, M Shahzad
Computers in Human Behavior, 106178, 2019
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Adoption of Green Innovation Technology to Accelerate Sustainable Development among Manufacturing Industry
M Shahzad, Y Qu, SU Rehman, AU Zafar
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2022
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impact of knowledge absorptive capacity on corporate sustainability with mediating role of CSR: analysis from the Asian context
M Shahzad, Y Qu, SU Rehman, AU Zafar, X Ding, J Abbas
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (2), 148-174, 2019
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Do digital celebrities' relationships and social climate matter? Impulse buying in f-commerce
AU Zafar, J Qiu, M Shahzad
Internet Research 30 (6), 1731-1762, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Green core competencies to prompt green absorptive capacity and bolster green innovation: the moderating role of organization’s green culture
X Qu, A Khan, S Yahya, AU Zafar, M Shahzad
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 65 (3), 536-561, 2021
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impulse Buying in Social Commerce: Bundle offer, Top reviews, and Emotional intelligence
AU Zafar, J Qiu, M Shahzad, J Shen, TA Bhutto, M Irfan
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Translating stakeholders’ pressure into environmental practices – the mediating role of knowledge management
M Shahzad, Y Qu, AU Zafar, X Ding, SU Rehman
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The impact of environmental administrative penalties on the disclosure of environmental information
X Ding, Y Qu, M Shahzad
Sustainability 11 (20), 5820, 2019
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impact of stakeholders’ pressure on green management practices of manufacturing organizations under the mediation of organizational motives
M Shahzad, Y Qu, S Rehman, X Ding, A Razzaq
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2022
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Factors of green innovation: the role of dynamic capabilities and knowledge sharing through green creativity
L Ma, A Ali, M Shahzad, A Khan
Kybernetes, 2022
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Digital transformation, ESG practice, and total factor productivity
X Ding, Z Sheng, A Appolloni, M Shahzad, S Han
Business Strategy and The Environment, 2024
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modeling the enablers of supply chain strategies and information technology: improving performance through TISM approach
M Irfan, M Wang, AU Zafar, M Shahzad, T Islam
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 51 (3), 461-491, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
How various stakeholder pressure influences mega-project sustainable performance through corporate social responsibility and green competitive advantage
A Ali, L Ma, M Shahzad, J Musonda, S Hussain
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-15, 2023
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Stock Market’s Reaction to Self-Disclosure of Environmental Administrative Penalties: an Empirical Study in China
X Ding, Y Qu, M Shahzad
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020
Εντολές: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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