Dr. Vanessa Stelzenmüller
Dr. Vanessa Stelzenmüller
Head of Marine Spatial Management research group, Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven
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Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: a biotic indicator of warming seas
NK Dulvy, SI Rogers, S Jennings, V Stelzenmüller, SR Dye, HR Skjoldal
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (4), 1029-1039, 2008
Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: review of concepts, policies, tools, and critical issues
S Katsanevakis, V Stelzenmüller, A South, TK Sørensen, PJS Jones, ...
Ocean & coastal management 54 (11), 807-820, 2011
Spillover from six western Mediterranean marine protected areas: evidence from artisanal fisheries
R Goni, S Adlerstein, D Alvarez-Berastegui, A Forcada, O Renones, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 366, 159-174, 2008
A review of the combined effects of climate change and other local human stressors on the marine environment
E Gissi, E Manea, AD Mazaris, S Fraschetti, V Almpanidou, S Bevilacqua, ...
Science of the Total Environment 755, 142564, 2021
Decision support tools in marine spatial planning: present applications, gaps and future perspectives
K Pınarbaşı, I Galparsoro, Á Borja, V Stelzenmüller, CN Ehler, A Gimpel
Marine Policy 83, 83-91, 2017
A risk-based approach to cumulative effect assessments for marine management
V Stelzenmüller, M Coll, AD Mazaris, S Giakoumi, S Katsanevakis, ...
Science of the Total Environment 612, 1132-1140, 2018
Practical tools to support marine spatial planning: a review and some prototype tools
V Stelzenmüller, J Lee, A South, J Foden, SI Rogers
Marine Policy 38, 214-227, 2013
Effects of no‐take area size and age of marine protected areas on fisheries yields: a meta‐analytical approach
F Vandeperre, RM Higgins, J Sánchez‐Meca, F Maynou, R Goñi, ...
Fish and Fisheries 12 (4), 412-426, 2011
Spatial assessment of fishing effort around European marine reserves: implications for successful fisheries management
V Stelzenmüller, F Maynou, G Bernard, G Cadiou, M Camilleri, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (12), 2018-2026, 2008
A GIS modelling framework to evaluate marine spatial planning scenarios: Co-location of offshore wind farms and aquaculture in the German EEZ
A Gimpel, V Stelzenmüller, B Grote, BH Buck, J Floeter, I Núñez-Riboni, ...
Marine Policy 55, 102-115, 2015
Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: a generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application
V Stelzenmüller, P Breen, T Stamford, F Thomsen, F Badalamenti, Á Borja, ...
Marine Policy 37, 149-164, 2013
Quantifying cumulative impacts of human pressures on the marine environment: a geospatial modelling framework
V Stelzenmüller, J Lee, A South, SI Rogers
Marine Ecology Progress Series 398, 19-32, 2010
Spatio-temporal patterns of fishing pressure on UK marine landscapes, and their implications for spatial planning and management
V Stelzenmüller, SI Rogers, CM Mills
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65 (6), 1081-1091, 2008
Assessment of a Bayesian Belief Network–GIS framework as a practical tool to support marine planning
V Stelzenmüller, J Lee, E Garnacho, SI Rogers
Marine pollution bulletin 60 (10), 1743-1754, 2010
Adaptive marine conservation planning in the face of climate change: What can we learn from physiological, ecological and genetic studies?
G Rilov, AD Mazaris, V Stelzenmüller, B Helmuth, M Wahl, T Guy-Haim, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 17, e00566, 2019
A GIS-based tool for an integrated assessment of spatial planning trade-offs with aquaculture
A Gimpel, V Stelzenmüller, S Töpsch, I Galparsoro, M Gubbins, D Miller, ...
Science of the Total Environment 627, 1644-1655, 2018
Towards a spatially explicit risk assessment for marine management: assessing the vulnerability of fish to aggregate extraction
V Stelzenmüller, JR Ellis, SI Rogers
Biological Conservation 143 (1), 230-238, 2010
Using cross-correlations to assess the relationship between time-lagged pressure and state indicators: an exemplary analysis of North Sea fish population indicators
WN Probst, V Stelzenmüller, HO Fock
ICES journal of marine science 69 (4), 670-681, 2012
Marine and coastal ecosystem-based risk management handbook
R Cormier, A Kannen, M Elliott, P Hall, IM Davies
ICES Cooperative Research Reports (CRR), 2013
Modelling the spatial distribution of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), sole (Solea solea) and thornback ray (Raja clavata) in UK waters for marine management and planning
DL Maxwell, V Stelzenmüller, PD Eastwood, SI Rogers
Journal of Sea Research 61 (4), 258-267, 2009
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