Eno E. Ebenso

Eno E. Ebenso

Centre for Material Science, College of Science,Engineering &Tech., University of South …
Verified email at unisa.ac.za
Cited by 40592
Prof. Dr. Sethu Gunasekaran,

Prof. Dr. Sethu Gunasekaran,

St. Peters Institute of Higher Education and Research
Verified email at stpetersuniversity.org
Cited by 10135
Craig P. Butts

Craig P. Butts

Professor of Structural and Mechanistic Chemistry, University of Bristol
Verified email at bris.ac.uk
Cited by 7644
Андрей Михайлович Кузнецов

Андрей Михайлович Кузнецов

Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет
Verified email at kstu.ru
Cited by 7412
Svitlana Shishkina

Svitlana Shishkina

SSI "Institute for Single Crystals"
Verified email at xray.isc.kharkov.com
Cited by 5739
Qingming Deng

Qingming Deng

IFW Dresden (Leibniz institute for solid state and materials research)
Verified email at ifw-dresden.de
Cited by 2149
Igor Shcherbakov

Igor Shcherbakov

Southern Federal University
Verified email at sfedu.ru
Cited by 1801
Andrii Kulinich

Andrii Kulinich

senior researcher in Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of …
Verified email at ioch.kiev.ua
Cited by 1551
Iuliia V. Voroshylova

Iuliia V. Voroshylova

REQUIMTE-LAQV, Departamento of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Porto …
Verified email at fc.up.pt
Cited by 1509
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