B.G. Zakharov
B.G. Zakharov
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Colour transparency and scaling properties of nuclear shadowing in deep inelastic scattering
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 49 (4), 607-618, 1991
Energy loss in perturbative QCD
R Baier, D Schiff, BG Zakharov
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 50 (1), 37-69, 2000
Fully quantum treatment of the Landau-Pomeranchik-Migdal effect in QED and QCD
BG Zakharov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 63, 952-957, 1996
Pomeron structure function and diffraction dissociation of virtual photons in perturbative QCD
N Nikolaev, B Zakharov
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 53 (2), 331-346, 1992
Radiative energy loss of high-energy quarks in finite-size nuclear matter and quark-gluon plasma
BG Zakharov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 65, 615-620, 1997
The triple-pomeron regime and structure function of the pomeron in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at very smallx
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 64, 631-651, 1994
Quantum effects and color transparency in charmonium photoproduction on nuclei
B Kopeliovich, B Zakharov
Phys.Rev. D 44 (11), 3466-3472, 1991
Color dipole phenomenology of diffractive electroproduction of light vector mesons at HERA
J Nemchik, NN Nikolaev, E Predazzi, BG Zakharov
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 75, 71-87, 1997
Scanning the BFKL pomeron in elastic production of vector mesons at HERA
J Nemchik, NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Physics Letters B 341 (2), 228-237, 1994
On determination of the large 1/x gluon distribution at HERA
N Nikolaev, B Zakharov
Phys.Lett. B 332 (1-2), 184-190, 1994
Decisive test of colour transparency in exclusive virtual photoproduction of vector mesons
BZ Kopeliovich, J Nemchick, NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Physics Letters B 324 (3-4), 469-476, 1994
Light-cone path integral approach to the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect
BG Zakharov
arXiv preprint hep-ph/9807540, 1998
Novel colour transparency effect. Scanning the wave function of vector mesons
BZ Kopeliovich, J Nemchick, NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Physics Letters B 309 (1-2), 179-186, 1993
Structure functions of bound nucleons: From the EMC effect to nuclear shadowing
V Barone, M Genovese, NN Nikolaev, E Predazzi, BG Zakharov
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 58, 541-558, 1993
The -channel approach to Lipatov's pomeron and hadronic cross sections
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov, VR Zoller
arXiv preprint hep-ph/9312268, 1993
The pomeron in diffractive deep inelastic scattering
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 78 (5), 598-618, 1994
On the energy loss of high energy quarks in a finite-size quark-gluon plasma
BG Zakharov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 73, 49-52, 2001
Deep inelastic scattering at HERA and the BFKL pomeron
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Physics Letters B 327 (1-2), 149-156, 1994
Scaling properties of nuclear shadowing in deep inelastic scattering
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Physics Letters B 260 (3-4), 414-420, 1991
Splitting the pomeron into two jets: A Novel process at HERA
NN Nikolaev, BG Zakharov
Physics Letters B 332 (1-2), 177-183, 1994
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Articles 1–20