Guðrún Helgadóttir
Guðrún Helgadóttir
Professor of tourism, University of South-Eastern Norway
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Cited by
Horse‐based tourism: Community, quality and disinterest in economic value
G Helgadóttir, I Sigurðardóttir
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 8 (2), 105-121, 2008
Social sustainability of tourism in Iceland: A qualitative inquiry
G Helgadóttir, AV Einarsdóttir, GL Burns, GÞ Gunnarsdóttir, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 19 (4-5), 404-421, 2019
The culture of horsemanship and horse-based tourism in Iceland
G Helgadóttir
Current Issues in Tourism 9 (6), 535-548, 2006
Riding high: Quality and customer satisfaction in equestrian tourism in Iceland
I Sigurðardóttir, G Helgadóttir
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 15 (1-2), 105-121, 2015
“Little kings”: community, change and conflict in Icelandic fisheries
C Chambers, G Helgadóttir, C Carothers
Maritime Studies 16 (1), 10, 2017
20 years of Nordic rural tourism research: a review and future research agenda
G Helgadóttir, K Dashper
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 21 (1), 60-69, 2021
“Dear international guests and friends of the Icelandic horse”: Experience, meaning and belonging at a niche sporting event
G Helgadóttir, K Dashper
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 16 (4), 422-441, 2016
The Kyrgyz horse: Enactments and agencies in and beyond a tourism context
AG Sturød, G Helgadóttir, I Nordbø
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (12), 1512-1527, 2020
Nation in a sheep’s coat: The Icelandic sweater
G Helgadottir
FORMakademisk 4 (2), 2011
Rural tourism: Insights from the north Atlantic
G Baldacchino, G Helgadóttir, RJ Mykletun
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 15 (1-2), 1-7, 2015
The new equine economy of Iceland
I Sigurðardóttir, G Helgadóttir
The new equine economy in the 21st century, 22-24, 2015
Icelandic craft teachers’ curriculum identity as reflected in life histories
G Helgadóttir
University of British Columbia, 1997
The riding trail as geotourism attraction: Evidence from Iceland
G Helgadóttir, I Sigurðardóttir
Geosciences 8 (10), 376, 2018
Horse round-ups: Harvest festival and/or tourism magnet
G Helgadóttir
Cheval, Tourisme & Sociétés/Horse, Tourism & Societies, 216-223, 2015
Herding livestock and managing people: The cultural sustainability of a harvest festival
G Helgadóttir
The Routledge Handbook of Festivals, 333-343, 2018
A good practice guide to equine tourism
R Evans, I Sigurðardóttir, G Helgadóttir
Høgskulen for landbruk og bygdeutvikling, 2015
Wild and farmed Arctic Charr as a tourism product in an era of Climate Change
G Helgadóttir, H Renssen, TR Olk, TJ Oredalen, L Haraldsdóttir, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 654117, 2021
Upplifun og þjónusta: Íslenskir gestir í hestaleigum
I Sigurðardóttir, G Helgadóttir
A survey of the attitudes of Icelandic art and craft teachers toward curriculum and practice in their subject area
G Helgadóttir
University of British Columbia, 1989
A blind spot? Cultural field perspectives on tourism
G Helgadóttir, ÅD Haugsevje, H Stavrum
The Journal of arTs ManageMenT, law, and socieTy 52 (2), 73-87, 2022
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Articles 1–20