Dr. Allam Jaya Prakash
Dr. Allam Jaya Prakash
Senior Member IEEE (Stanford: Top 2% Scientists-2024)
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Cited by
Real-time hand gesture recognition using fine-tuned convolutional neural network
JP Sahoo, AJ Prakash, P Pławiak, S Samantray
Sensors 22 (3), 706, 2022
A novel approach for brain tumour detection using deep learning based technique
KR Pedada, B Rao, KK Patro, JP Allam, MM Jamjoom, NA Samee
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 82, 104549, 2023
An efficient optimized feature selection with machine learning approach for ECG biometric recognition
KK Patro, A Jaya Prakash, M Jayamanmadha Rao, P Rajesh Kumar
IETE Journal of Research 68 (4), 2743-2754, 2022
BAED: A secured biometric authentication system using ECG signal based on deep learning techniques
AJ Prakash, KK Patro, M Hammad, R Tadeusiewicz, P Pławiak
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 42 (4), 1081-1093, 2022
SpEC: A system for patient specific ECG beat classification using deep residual network
JP Allam, S Samantray, S Ari
Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering 40 (4), 1446-1457, 2020
Application of Kronecker convolutions in deep learning technique for automated detection of kidney stones with coronal CT images
KK Patro, JP Allam, BC Neelapu, R Tadeusiewicz, UR Acharya, ...
Information Sciences 640, 119005, 2023
A deep learning technique for biometric authentication using ECG beat template matching
AJ Prakash, KK Patro, S Samantray, P Pławiak, M Hammad
Information 14 (2), 65, 2023
A hybrid approach of a deep learning technique for real-time ECG beat detection
PP Kiran Kumar Patro, Allam Jaya Prakash, Saunak Samantray, Joanna Pławiak ...
Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 32 (3), 455-465, 2022
Automated detection of myocardial infarction and heart conduction disorders based on feature selection and a deep learning model
M Hammad, SA Chelloug, R Alkanhel, AJ Prakash, A Muthanna, ...
Sensors 22 (17), 6503, 2022
Smartphone-based human sitting behaviors recognition using inertial sensor
VK Sinha, KK Patro, P Pławiak, AJ Prakash
Sensors 21 (19), 6652, 2021
SCovNet: A skip connection-based feature union deep learning technique with statistical approach analysis for the detection of COVID-19
KK Patro, JP Allam, M Hammad, R Tadeusiewicz, P Pławiak
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 43 (1), 352-368, 2023
A brief review on EEG signal pre-processing techniques for real-time brain-computer interface applications
B Venkata Phanikrishna, P Pławiak, A Jaya Prakash
TechRxiv 10, 2021
Deep review of machine learning techniques on detection of drowsiness using EEG signal
B Venkata Phanikrishna, A Jaya Prakash, C Suchismitha
IETE Journal of Research 69 (6), 3104-3119, 2023
AAMI standard cardiac arrhythmia detection with random forest using mixed features
AJ Prakash, S Ari
2019 IEEE 16th India council international conference (INDICON), 1-4, 2019
A system for automatic cardiac arrhythmia recognition using electrocardiogram signal
AJ Prakash, S Ari
Bioelectronics and medical devices, 891-911, 2019
Capsule network for the identification of individuals using quantized ecg signal images
AJ Prakash
IEEE Sensors Letters 6 (8), 1-4, 2022
Customized deep learning algorithm for drowsiness detection using single-channel EEG signal
JP Allam, S Samantray, C Behara, KK Kurkute, VK Sinha
Artificial Intelligence-Based Brain-Computer Interface, 189-201, 2022
An effective correlation-based data modeling framework for automatic diabetes prediction using machine and deep learning techniques
KK Patro, JP Allam, U Sanapala, CK Marpu, NA Samee, M Alabdulhafith, ...
BMC bioinformatics 24 (1), 372, 2023
A deformable CNN architecture for predicting clinical acceptability of ECG signal
JP Allam, S Samantray, SP Sahoo, S Ari
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 43 (1), 335-351, 2023
A new approach of transparent and explainable artificial intelligence technique for patient-specific ecg beat classification
AJ Prakash, KK Patro, S Saunak, P Sasmal, PL Kumari, T Geetamma
IEEE Sensors Letters 7 (5), 1-4, 2023
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Articles 1–20