Tamar Gollan
Tamar Gollan
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Bilingual minds
E Bialystok, FIM Craik, DW Green, TH Gollan
Psychological science in the public interest 10 (3), 89-129, 2009
More use almost always means a smaller frequency effect: Aging, bilingualism, and the weaker links hypothesis
TH Gollan, RI Montoya, C Cera, TC Sandoval
Journal of memory and language 58 (3), 787-814, 2008
Bilingualism affects picture naming but not picture classification
TH Gollan, RI Montoya, C Fennema-Notestine, SK Morris
Memory & cognition 33, 1220-1234, 2005
Semantic and letter fluency in Spanish-English bilinguals.
TH Gollan, RI Montoya, GA Werner
Neuropsychology 16 (4), 562, 2002
Good language-switchers are good task-switchers: Evidence from Spanish–English and Mandarin–English bilinguals
A Prior, TH Gollan
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 17 (4), 682-691, 2011
Translation priming with different scripts: Masked priming with cognates and noncognates in Hebrew–English bilinguals.
TH Gollan, KI Forster, R Frost
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 23 (5), 1122, 1997
Self-ratings of spoken language dominance: A Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) and preliminary norms for young and aging Spanish–English bilinguals
TH Gollan, GH Weissberger, E Runnqvist, RI Montoya, CM Cera
Bilingualism: language and cognition 15 (3), 594-615, 2012
What is a TOT? Cognate and translation effects on tip-of-the-tongue states in Spanish-English and tagalog-English bilinguals.
TH Gollan, LAR Acenas
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (1), 246, 2004
Should I stay or should I switch? A cost–benefit analysis of voluntary language switching in young and aging bilinguals.
TH Gollan, VS Ferreira
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 (3), 640, 2009
Bimodal bilingualism
K Emmorey, HB Borinstein, R Thompson, TH Gollan
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 11 (1), 43-61, 2008
Frequency drives lexical access in reading but not in speaking: the frequency-lag hypothesis.
TH Gollan, TJ Slattery, D Goldenberg, E Van Assche, W Duyck, K Rayner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 140 (2), 186, 2011
Being and becoming bilingual
EB Michael, TH Gollan
Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches, 389-407, 2005
What causes the bilingual disadvantage in verbal fluency? The dual-task analogy
TC Sandoval, TH Gollan, VS Ferreira, DP Salmon
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 13 (2), 231-252, 2010
The bilingual effect on Boston Naming Test performance
TH Gollan, C Fennema-Notestine, RI Montoya, TL Jernigan
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 13 (2), 197-208, 2007
Tip-of-the-tongue states in Hebrew–English bilinguals
TH Gollan, NB Silverberg
Bilingualism: language and cognition 4 (1), 63-83, 2001
Degree of bilingualism predicts age of diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in low-education but not in highly educated Hispanics
TH Gollan, DP Salmon, RI Montoya, DR Galasko
Neuropsychologia 49 (14), 3826-3830, 2011
Lexical access in bilingual speakers: What's the (hard) problem?
M Finkbeiner, TH Gollan, A Caramazza
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 9 (2), 153-166, 2006
From tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) data to theoretical implications in two steps: when more TOTs means better retrieval.
TH Gollan, AS Brown
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135 (3), 462, 2006
Neuropsychological, cognitive, and theoretical considerations for evaluation of bilingual individuals
M Rivera Mindt, A Arentoft, K Kubo Germano, E D’Aquila, D Scheiner, ...
Neuropsychology review 18, 255-268, 2008
Speech planning in two languages: What bilinguals tell us about language production
JF Kroll, TH Gollan, M Goldrick, V Ferreira, M Miozzo
The Oxford handbook of language production, 165-181, 2014
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Articles 1–20