Alberto Talamo
Alberto Talamo
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The Burnup Capabilities of the Deep Burn Modular Helium Reactor Analyzed by the Monte Carlo Continuous Energy Code MCB
A Talamo, W Gudowski, F Venneri
Annals of Nuclear Energy 31 (2), 173-196, 2004
Cardinal: A Lower Length-Scale Multiphysics Simulator for Pebble-Bed Reactors
E Merzari, H Yuan, M Min, D Shaver, R Rahaman, P Shriwise, P Romano, ...
Nuclear Technology, 1-23, 2021
Fuel Cycle Modelling of Open Cycle Thorium-Fuelled Nuclear Energy Systems
SF Ashley, BA Lindley, GT Parks, WJ Nuttall, R Gregg, KW Hesketh, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 69, 314-330, 2014
Numerical Solution of the Time Dependent Neutron Transport Equation by the Method of the Characteristics
A Talamo
Journal of Computational Physics 240, 248-267, 2013
MCNPX, MONK, and ERANOS Analyses of the YALINA Booster Subcritical Assembly
A Talamo, Y Gohar, G Aliberti, Y Cao, D Smith, Z Zhong, H Kiyavitskaya, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (5), 1606-1615, 2011
Comparison of MCB and MONTEBURNS Monte Carlo Burnup Codes on a One-Pass Deep Burn
A Talamo, W Ji, J Cetnar, W Gudowski
Annals of Nuclear Energy 33 (14), 1176-1188, 2006
Effects of the Burnable Poison Heterogeneity on the Long Term Control of Excess of Reactivity
A Talamo
Annals of Nuclear Energy 33 (9), 794-803, 2006
Key Physical Parameters and Temperature Reactivity Coefficients of the Deep Burn Modular Helium Reactor Fueled with LWRs Waste
A Talamo, W Gudowski, J Cetnar, F Venneri
Annals of Nuclear Energy 31 (16), 1913-1937, 2004
Adapting the Deep Burn In-Core Fuel Management Strategy for the Gas Turbine–Modular Helium Reactor to a Uranium–Thorium Fuel
A Talamo, W Gudowski
Annals of Nuclear Energy 32 (16), 1750-1781, 2005
Pulse Superimposition Calculational Methodology for Estimating the Subcriticality Level of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies
A Talamo, Y Gohar, C Rabiti, G Aliberti, F Kondev, D Smith, Z Zhong, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Deterministic and Monte Carlo Modeling and Analyses of YALINA-THERMAL Subcritical Assembly
A Talamo, Y Gohar
Argonne National Laboratory ANL-NE-10/17, 2010
Monte Carlo Modeling and Analyses of YALINA-Booster Subcritical Assembly, Part II: Pulsed Neutron Source
A Talamo, Y Gohar
Argonne National Laboratory ANL-08/33, 2008
SERPENT validation and optimization with mesh adaptive search on stereolithography geometry models
A Talamo, Y Gohar, J Leppänen
Annals of Nuclear Energy 115, 619-632, 2018
Performance of the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor Fuelled with Different Types of Fertile TRISO Particles
A Talamo, W Gudowski
Annals of Nuclear Energy 32 (16), 1719-1749, 2005
Impact of the Neutron Detector Choice on Bell and Glasstone Spatial Correction Factor for Subcriticality Measurement
A Talamo, Y Gohar, Y Cao, Z Zhong, H Kiyavitskaya, V Bournos, Y Fokov, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Correction Factor for the Experimental Prompt Neutron Decay Constant
A Talamo, Y Gohar, S Sadovich, H Kiyavitskaya, V Bournos, Y Fokov, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 62, 421-428, 2013
Alternative Configurations for the QUADRISO Fuel Design Concept
A Talamo, MA Pouchon, F Venneri
Journal of Nuclear Materials 383 (3), 264-266, 2009
Monte Carlo Modeling and Analyses of YALINA-Booster Subcritical Assembly Part I: Analytical Models and Main Neutronics Parameters
A Talamo, Y Gohar
Argonne National Laboratory ANL-NE-08/13, 2008
Monte Carlo and Deterministic Calculation of the Bell and Glasstone Spatial Correction Factor
A Talamo, Z Zhong, Y Gohar
Computer Physics Communications 183 (9), 1904-1910, 2012
A Novel Concept of QUADRISO Particles. Part II: Utilization for Excess Reactivity Control
A Talamo
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240 (7), 1919-1927, 2010
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Articles 1–20