Regina Hoffmann-Vogel
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Cited by
Quantitative measurement of short-range chemical bonding forces
MA Lantz, HJ Hug, R Hoffmann, PJA Van Schendel, P Kappenberger, ...
Science 291 (5513), 2580-2583, 2001
Low Temperature Scanning Force Microscopy of the Surface
MA Lantz, HJ Hug, PJA Van Schendel, R Hoffmann, S Martin, A Baratoff, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (12), 2642, 2000
Sublattice identification in scanning force microscopy on alkali halide surfaces
R Hoffmann, LN Kantorovich, A Baratoff, HJ Hug, HJ Güntherodt
Physical review letters 92 (14), 146103, 2004
Dynamic force microscopy study of 3, 4, 9, 10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride on KBr (001)
T Kunstmann, A Schlarb, M Fendrich, T Wagner, R Möller, R Hoffmann
Physical Review B 71 (12), 121403, 2005
Nucleation and Submonolayer Growth of on KBr
SA Burke, JM Mativetsky, R Hoffmann, P Grütter
Physical review letters 94 (9), 096102, 2005
Correlation of spin and orbital anisotropies with chemical order in alloy films using magnetic circular x-ray dichroism
P Kamp, A Marty, B Gilles, R Hoffmann, S Marchesini, M Belakhovsky, ...
Physical Review B 59 (2), 1105, 1999
Conductance of gold nanojunctions thinned by electromigration
R Hoffmann, D Weissenberger, J Hawecker, D Stöffler
Applied Physics Letters 93 (4), 043118, 2008
Electromigration and the structure of metallic nanocontacts
R Hoffmann-Vogel
Applied Physics Reviews 4 (3), 031302, 2017
Atomic-scale force-vector fields
K Ruschmeier, A Schirmeisen, R Hoffmann
Physical review letters 101 (15), 156102, 2008
Atomic resolution imaging and frequency versus distance measurements on NiO (001) using low-temperature scanning force microscopy
R Hoffmann, MA Lantz, HJ Hug, PJA Van Schendel, P Kappenberger, ...
Physical Review B 67 (8), 085402, 2003
In plane to out of plane magnetic reorientation transition in partially ordered FePd thin films
V Gehanno, R Hoffmann, Y Samson, A Marty, S Auffret
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 10 (3 …, 1999
Mechanical manifestations of rare atomic jumps in dynamic force microscopy
R Hoffmann, A Baratoff, HJ Hug, HR Hidber, H v Löhneysen, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (39), 395503, 2007
The effective quality factor at low temperatures in dynamic force microscopes with Fabry–Pérot interferometer detection
H Hölscher, P Milde, U Zerweck, LM Eng, R Hoffmann
Applied Physics Letters 94 (22), 223514, 2009
Atomic resolution imaging and force versus distance measurements on KBr (0 0 1) using low temperature scanning force microscopy
R Hoffmann, MA Lantz, HJ Hug, PJA van Schendel, P Kappenberger, ...
Applied surface science 188 (3-4), 238-244, 2002
Magnetic domains in thin films with perpendicular anisotropy: An extensive study
Y Samson, A Marty, R Hoffmann, V Gehanno, B Gilles
Journal of applied physics 85 (8), 4604-4606, 1999
Site-specific force-distance characteristics on NaCl (001): measurements versus atomistic simulations
MA Lantz, R Hoffmann, AS Foster, A Baratoff, HJ Hug, HR Hidber, ...
Physical Review B 74 (24), 245426, 2006
v. Löhneysen, H.; Ashworth, TV; Pilet, N.; Hug, HJ
A Singh, C Sürgers, R Hoffmann
Appl. Phys. Lett 91, 152504, 2007
Molecular resolution imaging of C60 on Au (111) by non-contact atomic force microscopy
JM Mativetsky, SA Burke, R Hoffmann, Y Sun, P Grutter
Nanotechnology 15 (2), S40, 2004
Subatomic features in atomic force microscopy images
HJ Hug, MA Lantz, A Abdurixit, PJA van Schendel, R Hoffmann, ...
Science 291 (5513), 2509a-2509a, 2001
Scanning probe microscopy imaging of metallic nanocontacts
D Stöffler, S Fostner, P Grütter, R Hoffmann-Vogel
Physical Review B 85 (3), 033404, 2012
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Articles 1–20