Avi Silbiger
Avi Silbiger
Jerusalem College of Technology
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Cited by
Analyzing business-to-business relationships in an Arab context
R Berger, A Silbiger, R Herstein, BR Barnes
Journal of World Business 50 (3), 454-464, 2015
Expatriate stress and burnout
A Silbiger, AM Pines
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (8), 1170-1183, 2014
Can guanxi be created in Sino–Western relationships? An assessment of Western firms trading with China using the GRX scale
R Berger, R Herstein, A Silbiger, BR Barnes
Industrial Marketing Management 47, 166-174, 2015
Is guanxi universal in China? Some evidence of a paradoxical shift
R Berger, R Herstein, A Silbiger, BR Barnes
Journal of Business Research 86, 344-355, 2018
Developing international business relationships in a Russian context
R Berger, R Herstein, A Silbiger, BR Barnes
Management International Review 57, 441-471, 2017
Improving expatriation success: the roles of regulatory focus and burnout
A Silbiger, R Berger, BR Barnes, D WS Renwick
British Journal of Management 28 (2), 231-247, 2017
The Role of Regulatory Focus and its Influence on the Cultural Distance – Adjustment Relationship for Expatriate Managers
DWS Silbiger, A., Barnes, B. R., Berger, R., Renwick
Journal of Business Research 122, 398-410, 2021
Scale development and validation for measuring business-to-business Wasta relationships
R Berger, BR Barnes, A Silbiger
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 36 (12), 2201-2218, 2021
Telephony switching apparatus
J Moshe, A Barash, A Silbiger, R Jordan
US Patent 6,714,538, 2004
It's not just culture distance: the effect of regulatory focus one expatriate adjustment
D Renwick, A Silbiger, B Barnes, R Berger
It’s not just cultural distance: The effect of regulatory focus on expatriate adjustment
BR Renwick, D. R., Berger, R., Silbiger, A., and Barnes
Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Chinag …, 2017
It’s not just cultural distance: The effect of regulatory focus on expatriate adjustment
DR Silbiger, A., Berger, R., Barnes, B. R., and Renwick
International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development …, 2017
Analyzing business-to-business relationships in an Arab context
BR Berger, R., Silbiger, A., Herstein, R., and Barnes
The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2017
Doing Business in the Arab World: The Role of Wasta and Networking in Relationship Satisfaction and Performance
A Puffer, S. M., Berger, R., Herstein, R., McCarthy, D. J., Silbiger
Annual Meeting Academy of International Business, Dubai, UAE, 2017
Improving expatriation success: The roles of regulatory focus and burnout
RWS Silbiger, A., Berger, R., Barnes, B. R., and Douglas
21st Euroasia Business and Economics Society Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Ethics and diamonds: Paradoxical issues surrounding Guanxi relations in China
A Berger, R., Barnes, B. R., Whitla, P., & Silbiger
Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, 2016
Ethics and diamonds: Paradoxical issues surrounding Guanxi relations in China.
R Barnes, B. R., Berger, R., Silbiger, A., & Herstein
Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Penang …, 2015
A practical product validation methodology
A Silbiger
INCOSE 1st System Engineering Conference, Tel-Aviv, 2002
Stabilization of the Israeli power system by local feedback
A Preminger, J., and Silbiger
IEEE Conference on Automatic Control, 1984
Paper Number: P1057
B Barnes, R Berger, A Silbiger, R Herstein, P Whitla
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Articles 1–20