Florian Bugarin
Florian Bugarin
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Multiscale displacement field measurement using digital image correlation: Application to the identification of elastic properties
JC Passieux, F Bugarin, C David, JN Périé, L Robert
Experimental Mechanics 55, 121-137, 2015
Multiple-camera instrumentation of a single point incremental forming process pilot for shape and 3D displacement measurements: methodology and results
JJ Orteu, F Bugarin, J Harvent, L Robert, V Velay
Experimental mechanics 51, 625-639, 2011
A speckle texture image generator
JJ Orteu, D Garcia, L Robert, F Bugarin
Speckle06: speckles, from grains to flowers 6341, 104-109, 2006
Continuous three-dimensional path planning (CTPP) for complex thin parts with wire arc additive manufacturing
A Diourté, F Bugarin, C Bordreuil, S Segonds
Additive Manufacturing 37, 101622, 2021
Minimizing the sum of many rational functions
F Bugarin, D Henrion, JB Lasserre
Mathematical Programming Computation 8 (1), 83-111, 2016
Unstructured finite element-based digital image correlation with enhanced management of quadrature and lens distortions
JE Pierré, JC Passieux, JN Périé, F Bugarin, L Robert
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 77, 44-53, 2016
Rank-constrained fundamental matrix estimation by polynomial global optimization versus the eight-point algorithm
F Bugarin, A Bartoli, D Henrion, JB Lasserre, JJ Orteu, T Sentenac
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 53, 42-60, 2015
An analytical model taking feed rate effect into consideration for scallop height calculation in milling with torus-end cutter
S Segonds, P Seitier, C Bordreuil, F Bugarin, W Rubio, JM Redonnet
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 30, 1881-1893, 2019
Optimization of structures under buckling constraints using frame elements
F Mitjana, S Cafieri, F Bugarin, C Gogu, F Castanie
Engineering Optimization 51 (1), 140-159, 2019
Inspection of aeronautical mechanical parts with a pan-tilt-zoom camera: an approach guided by the computer-aided design model
I Viana, JJ Orteu, N Cornille, F Bugarin
Journal of Electronic Imaging 24 (6), 061118-061118, 2015
Automated thermal 3D reconstruction based on a robot equipped with uncalibrated infrared stereovision cameras
T Sentenac, F Bugarin, B Ducarouge, M Devy
Advanced Engineering Informatics 38, 203-215, 2018
Inspection of aeronautics parts for shape defect detection using a multi-camera system
J Harvent, F Bugarin, JJ Orteu, M Devy, P Barbeau, G Marin
Proceedings of the XIth International Congress and Exposition of the Society …, 2008
Topological gradient in structural optimization under stress and buckling constraints
F Mitjana, S Cafieri, F Bugarin, S Segonds, F Castanie, P Duysinx
Applied Mathematics and Computation 409, 126032, 2021
A new approach for optimizing a bipolar charge transport model for dielectric materials: Theoretical framework
K Hallak, F Baudoin, V Griseri, F Bugarin, S Segonds
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 28 (3), 872-879, 2021
Numerical optimization applying trust region algorithm to optimize parameters related to charge transport model in LDPE
K Hallak, F Baudoin, V Griseri, F Bugarin, S Segonds
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 27 (6), 2048-2055, 2020
Trichromatic thermoreflectometry for an improved accuracy of true temperature field measurement on a multi-material part
T Sentenac, R Gilblas, F Bugarin
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 145, 105980, 2019
Optimization of 3D cooling channels in injection molding using DRBEM and model reduction
N Pirc, F Schmidt, M Mongeau, F Bugarin, F Chinesta
International Journal of Material Forming 2, 271-274, 2009
Optimization of BEM-based cooling channels injection moulding using model reduction
N Pirc, F Schmidt, M Mongeau, F Bugarin, F Chinesta
International Journal of Material Forming 1, 1043-1046, 2008
Thermal Scalar Field for Continuous three-dimensional Toolpath strategy using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for free-form thin parts
A Giordano, A Diourté, C Bordreuil, F Bugarin, S Segonds
Computer-Aided Design 151, 103337, 2022
Use of Sobol indexes for efficient parameter estimation in a charge transport model
I Alhossen, F Baudoin, F Bugarin, S Segonds, G Teyssèdre
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 26 (2), 584-592, 2019
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Articles 1–20