Rohit Belapurkar
Rohit Belapurkar
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Application of wireless sensor networks to aircraft control and health management systems
RK Yedavalli, RK Belapurkar
Journal of Control Theory and Applications 9, 28-33, 2011
Design of distributed engine control systems for stability under communication packet dropouts
RK Yedavalli, RK Belapurkar, A Behbahani
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 32 (5), 1544-1549, 2009
Stability analysis of distributed engine control systems under communication packet drop
R Yedavalli, R Belapurkar, A Behbahani
44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 4580, 2008
Stability and performance of propulsion control systems with distributed control architectures and failures
RK Belapurkar
The Ohio State University, 2013
Active fault tolerant model predictive control of a turbofan engine using C-MAPSS40k
DC Saluru, RK Yedavalli, RK Belapurkar
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 45301, 349-358, 2012
Design of set-point controller for partially distributed turboshaft engine with network faults
R Belapurkar, R Yedavalli, P Paluszewski
47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 5858, 2011
Stability of fiber optic networked decentralized distributed engine control under time delays
R Belapurkar, R Yedavalli, B Moslehi
45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 4885, 2009
LQR control design of discrete-time networked cascade control systems with time delay
RK Belapurkar, RK Yedavalli
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 54754, 299-304, 2011
Study of model-based fault detection of distributed aircraft engine control systems with transmission delays
R Belapurkar, R Yedavalli, A Behbahani
47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 5795, 2011
Stability analysis of ARINC 825-based partially distributed aircraft engine control with transmission delays and packet dropouts
R Belapurkar, R Yedavalli, P Paluszewski, W Greene
46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 6675, 2010
Decentralized distributed engine control systems under communication constraints
R Belapurkar
The Ohio State University, 2008
Redundancy Management Strategies for Distributed Engine Control Systems
BA Belapurkar R.K., Yedavalli R.K.
58th International Instrumentation Symposium, 2012
Stability Analysis of Distributed Engine Control Systems Under Communication Packet Drop (Postprint)
RK Yedavalli, RK Belapurkar, A Behbahani, ...
44th AIAAASMESAEASEE Jt. Propuls. Conf. Exhib, 16, 2008
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Articles 1–13