Burak Yuksel
Burak Yuksel
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Cited by
A nonlinear force observer for quadrotors and application to physical interactive tasks
B Yüksel, C Secchi, HH Bülthoff, A Franchi
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2014 IEEE/ASME International …, 2014
Reshaping the Physical Properties of a Quadrotor through IDA-PBC and its Application to Aerial Physical Interaction
B Yüksel, C Secchi, HH Bülthoff, A Franchi
Differential flatness and control of protocentric aerial manipulators with any number of arms and mixed rigid-/elastic-joints
B Yüksel, G Buondonno, A Franchi
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2016
Dynamic decentralized control for protocentric aerial manipulators
M Tognon, B Yüksel, G Buondonno, A Franchi
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 6375-6380, 2017
Design, identification and experimental testing of a light-weight flexible-joint arm for aerial physical interaction
B Yüksel, S Mahboubi, C Secchi, HH Bülthoff, A Franchi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 870-876, 2015
Aerial Robots with Rigid/Elastic-joint Arms: Single-joint Controllability Study and Preliminary Experiments
B Yüksel, N Staub, A Franchi
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2016
Port Hamiltonian Modeling of a Cable Driven Robot
C Schenk, B Yüksel, C Secchi, HH Bülthoff
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (3), 161-168, 2018
Design, Modeling and Control of Aerial Robots for Physical Interaction and Manipulation
B Yüksel
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2017
Aerial Physical Interaction via Reshaping of the Physical Properties: Passivity-based Control Methods and Nonlinear Force Observers
B Yüksel, C Secchi, A Franchi
environment 3, 4, 2014
Protocentric Aerial Manipulators: Flatness Proofs and Simulations
B Yüksel, G Buondonno, A Franchi
Explicit Computations, Simulations and additional Results for the Dynamic Decentralized Control for Protocentric Aerial Manipulators Technical Attachment to:” Dynamic …
M Tognon, B Yüksel, G Buondonno, A Franchi
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 2017
Protocentric Aerial Manipulators: Flatness Proofs and Simulations. Technical Attachment to:" Differential Flatness and Control of Protocentric Aerial Manipulators with Any …
B Yüksel, G Buondonno, A Franchi
Explicit Computations and Further Extensive Simulations for Rigid-or Elastic-joint Arm: Technical Attachment to:" Aerial Robots with Rigid/Elastic-joint Arms: Single-joint …
B Yüksel, N Staub, A Franchi
LAAS-CNRS; MPI-Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 2016
Differential Flatness and Control of the Aerial Manipulators with Mixed Rigid/Elastic Joints: Controllability from Single Joint Arm to the Multiple Arms
B Yüksel, N Staub, G Buondonno, A Franchi
ICRA 2016 Workshop: Aerial Robotics Manipulation: from Simulation to Real-life, 2016
Aerial Physical Interaction: Design, Control, Identification and Estimation
B Yüksel, N Staub, C Secchi, A Franchi
ICRA 2015 Workshop: Aerial Robotics Manipulation and Load Transportation, 2015
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Articles 1–15