Guiomar Merodio
Guiomar Merodio
UAM- Facultad de Formación Profesorado y Educación
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Cited by
“Architects of their own brain.” Social impact of an intervention study for the prevention of gender-based violence in adolescence
S Racionero-Plaza, L Ugalde, G Merodio, N Gutiérrez-Fernández
Frontiers in psychology 10, 3070, 2020
Egalitarian dialogue enriches both social impact and research methodologies
E Roca, G Merodio, A Gomez, A Rodriguez-Oramas
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21, 16094069221074442, 2022
They Are Not Romeo Pimps, They Are Traffickers: Overcoming the Socially Dominant Discourse to Prevent the Sex Trafficking of Youth
G Merodio, E Duque, JC Axt Peña
Qualitative Inquiry 26 (8-9), 1010-1018, 2020
How much is one life worth? The right to equity healthcare for improving older patients’ health infected by COVID-19
G Merodio, M Ramis-Salas, D Valero, A Aubert
Sustainability 12 (17), 6848, 2020
The Routledge International Handbook of domestic violence and abuse
J Devaney, C Bradbury-Jones, RJ Macy, C Øverlien, S Holt
Routledge, 2021
IDEALOVE&NAM. Socialización preventiva de la violencia de género
A Burgués de Freitas, M Castro Sandúa, M Cortés Camacho
Ministerio de Educación, 2015
“Petites Bonnes” minors sex trafficked in Morocco and Spain
P Melgar, G Merodio, E Duque, M Ramis-Salas
Children and Youth Services Review 120, 105719, 2021
Making Choices in Discourse: New Alternative Masculinities Opposing the “Warrior’s Rest”
L Ruiz-Eugenio, A Toledo del Cerro, J Crowther, G Merodio
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 674054, 2021
Men Tackling Isolating Gender Violence to Fight against Sexual Harassment
E Nazareno, A Vidu, G Merodio, R Valls
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (4), 1924, 2022
A systematic review of family and social relationships: implications for sex trafficking recruitment and victimisation
L Puigvert, E Duque, G Merodio, P Melgar
Families, Relationships and Societies, 2021
Consent? At the start, you do not even think about it. Coercive discourse in the awakening of affective–sexual relationships in young women
E Duque, M Salceda, R Campdepadrós-Cullell, G Merodio, ...
YOUNG 32 (1), 5-21, 2024
Preventive socialisation of intimate partner violence through the analysis of family interactions and previous intimate relationships
E Oliver, G Merodio, P Melgar
The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, 141-154, 2021
Sex Trafficking of Women. Civil Society Activism Against Sexual Slavery Between the 19th and the Early 20th Century
G Merodio, E Duque
HSE Social and Educational History 10 (2), 109-133, 2021
Desvelando el fraude amoroso. La influencia de las relaciones afectivo-sexuales violentas en la trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual
G Merodio Alonso
Universitat de Barcelona, 2018
Responses to Gender-Based Violence by Individuals Who Were Exposed to It During Childhood in Spain
G Merodio, A Sabater, P Melgar Alcantud, C Sánchez-Miret
Journal of Child and Family Studies 33 (11), 3529-3540, 2024
The Impact of Gendered Ageism and Related Intersectional Inequalities on the Health and Well-being of Older Women
G Merodio, AMO de Zárate, F Zhu, J Morentin-Encina
Research on Ageing and Social Policy 12 (2), 146-165, 2024
Dating violence experiences among sex-trafficking youths in juvenile detention
D Roe-Sepowitz, M Lantsman-Waugh, L Puigvert, G Merodio, P Melgar
Violence against women, 10778012241259716, 2024
Dosier final del proyecto de investigación EDA-MUJER. Participación democrática de mujeres mayores para superar el edadismo
IT Guiomar Merodio Alonso, Belén Ballesteros Velázquez, Mercedes Foncillas ...
Diversidad cultural y equidad en la escuela
MT Aguado Odina, H Melero Sánchez, G Merodio Alonso
Adquisición de la competencia digitalen docentes: un modelo de estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje a través del TPACK
BJ Escribano, GM Alonso, DV Errazu
La educación digital en el ámbito universitario: un enfoque 360, 51-70, 2021
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Articles 1–20