Joseph H. Gardella
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Cited by
Peer cybervictimization among adolescents and the associated internalizing and externalizing problems: A meta-analysis
BW Fisher, JH Gardella, AR Teurbe-Tolon
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 1727-1743, 2016
Are achievement gaps related to discipline gaps? Evidence from national data
FA Pearman, FC Curran, B Fisher, J Gardella
Aera Open 5 (4), 2332858419875440, 2019
A systematic review and meta-analysis of cyber-victimization and educational outcomes for adolescents
JH Gardella, BW Fisher, AR Teurbe-Tolon
Review of Educational Research 87 (2), 283-308, 2017
Adding security, but subtracting safety? Exploring schools’ use of multiple visible security measures
EE Tanner-Smith, BW Fisher, LA Addington, JH Gardella
American journal of criminal justice 43, 102-119, 2018
Exclusionary school discipline and delinquent outcomes: A meta-analysis
J Gerlinger, S Viano, JH Gardella, BW Fisher, F Chris Curran, EM Higgins
Journal of youth and adolescence 50 (8), 1493-1509, 2021
Students’ feelings of safety, exposure to violence and victimization, and authoritative school climate
BW Fisher, S Viano, F Chris Curran, F Alvin Pearman, JH Gardella
American Journal of Criminal Justice 43, 6-25, 2018
Beyond Clery Act statistics: A closer look at college victimization based on self-report data
JH Gardella, CA Nichols-Hadeed, JM Mastrocinque, JT Stone, CA Coates, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 30 (4), 640-658, 2015
Social control in schools: The relationships between school security measures and informal social control mechanisms
BW Fisher, JH Gardella, EE Tanner-Smith
Journal of School Violence 18 (3), 347-361, 2019
Academic consequences of multiple victimization and the role of school security measures
JH Gardella, EE Tanner‐Smith, BW Fisher
American Journal of Community Psychology 58 (1-2), 36-46, 2016
Students’ reasons for why they were targeted for in-school victimization and bullying
JH Gardella, BW Fisher, AR Teurbe-Tolon, B Ketner, M Nation
International journal of bullying prevention 2, 114-128, 2020
Restorative practices: For school administrators considering implementation
JH Gardella
Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, 2015
Do School Policies and Programs Improve Outcomes by Reducing Gang Presence in Schools?
BW Fisher, FC Curran, FA Pearman, JH Gardella
The Wiley handbook on violence in education: Forms, factors, and preventions …, 2018
Control in schools: The relationship between school security measures and informal social control mechanisms
BW Fisher, JH Gardella, EE Tanner-Smith
Manuscript under review, 2016
Promoting school connectedness for adolescents who experience multiple victimization
JH Gardella
The Relations Between School Climate and Teacher Leadership: Does the School Environment Influence the Type or Amount of Leadership Activity Among Teachers?
JH Gardella
Vanderbilt University, 2022
School Security Measures and Students' Perceptions of School Climate.
B Fisher, JH Gardella, E Tanner-Smith
AERA Online Paper Repository, 2016
An Online Program for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Reduces Alcohol Use and Teen Dating Violence: A Randomized Controlled Trial
KM Edwards, H Littleton, J Gardella, LA Wheeler, A Farquhar-Leicester, ...
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, jsad. 24-00007, 2025
“It changed me for the better”: Feasibility, acceptability, and safety of an online program for sexual and gender minority youth to prevent alcohol use and teen dating violence
KM Edwards, H Littleton, J Gardella, A Farquhar-Leicester, M Huff, C Spitz, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 164, 107866, 2024
The Positive School Safety Program (PSSP) for School Officers: Implementation Processes and Outcomes
BN Rudd, C Ordorica, J Witzig, L Parker, J Gardella, A Pollard, N Anjaria, ...
Psychological injury and law 17 (3), 221-244, 2024
PBIS in Challenging Contexts: Evaluating a Replicable Implementation Approach in Philadelphia
R Fink, K Suwak, K Diaz, G Lawson, N Goldstein, J Gardella, AB Bowden, ...
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Articles 1–20