Gaylen Sinclair
Gaylen Sinclair
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Greenland‐wide seasonal temperatures during the last deglaciation
C Buizert, BA Keisling, JE Box, F He, AE Carlson, G Sinclair, RM DeConto
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (4), 1905-1914, 2018
Earliest Holocene south Greenland ice sheet retreat within its late Holocene extent
AE Carlson, K Winsor, DJ Ullman, EJ Brook, DH Rood, Y Axford, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (15), 5514-5521, 2014
Opening of glacial Lake Agassiz’s eastern outlets by the start of the Younger Dryas cold period
DJ Leydet, AE Carlson, JT Teller, A Breckenridge, AM Barth, DJ Ullman, ...
Geology 46 (2), 155-158, 2018
Diachronous retreat of the Greenland ice sheet during the last deglaciation
G Sinclair, AE Carlson, AC Mix, BS Lecavalier, G Milne, A Mathias, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 145, 243-258, 2016
Specific conductance measurements in central and western New York streams-A retrospective characterization
WM Kappel, GJ Sinclair, JE Reddy, DA Eckhardt, MP deVries, ME Phillips
Open-File Report, 2012
North Atlantic Climate and Cryosphere Variability Over the Past 20,000 Years
G Sinclair
Earliest Holocene south Greenland ice sheet retreat within its late Holocene extent
G Sinclair, Y Axford, K Winsor, DH Rood, DJ Ullman, EJ Brook, FS Anslow, ...
Eastward routing of glacial Lake Agassiz runoff caused the Younger Dryas cold event
D Leydet, AE Carlson, JT Teller, AJ Breckenridge, AM Barth, DJ Ullman, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, PP14A-08, 2016
Quantifying Arctic System Change: Past, Present, and Future Posters
G Sinclair, S Pendleton, J McFarlin
AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018
Paleo-reanalysis of Arctic Common Era Climate: A statistical reconstruction of spatially-and temporally resolved climate 10-1970 CE
G Sinclair, A Mix, AE Carlson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, PP41A-03, 2018
Late Holocene spatio-temporal variability of the south Greenland Ice Sheet and adjacent mountain glaciers
G Sinclair, AE Carlson, DH Rood, Y Axford
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, PP31C-1292, 2017
CarlsonAndersCEOASEarliestHoloceneSouth. pdf
AE Carlson, K Winsor, DJ Ullman, EJ Brook, G Sinclair
CarlsonAndersCEOASEarliestHoloceneSouth_AuxiliaryMaterial. zip
AE Carlson, K Winsor, DJ Ullman, EJ Brook, G Sinclair
Neoglacial Behavior of Spitsbergen Valley Glaciers and Relationship to Sea Level and Climate
G Sinclair, AE Carlson, DH Rood
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, PP51B-2304, 2016
Feedbacks on Ice-Sheet Growth and Decay during the Last Glacial Cycle I Posters
J Clark, F He, JS Walker, G Sinclair, NS Bill
2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015
Late-Holocene Fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Insights from a south Greenland threshold lake
G Sinclair, AE Carlson, B Reilly
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, PP51C-2304, 2015
Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets
D Leydet, AE Carlson, G Sinclair, JT Teller, AJ Breckenridge, MW Caffee, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, PP51C-2295, 2015
New Insights from 10-Be on the Deglaciation of Greenland: Comparison of a Continent-Wide Database with Climatic Forcings and Model Results
G Sinclair, AE Carlson, B Lecavalier, GA Milne, A Mathias
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, C11E-03, 2014
Greenland-wide seasonal temperatures during the last
C Buizert, BA Keisling, JE Box, F He, AE Carlson, G Sinclair, RM DeConto
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Articles 1–19