Julie Durcan
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Cited by
DRAC: Dose Rate and Age Calculator for trapped charge dating
JA Durcan, GE King, GAT Duller
Quaternary Geochronology 28, 54-61, 2015
Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization
L Giosan, PD Clift, MG Macklin, DQ Fuller, S Constantinescu, JA Durcan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (26), E1688-E1694, 2012
The fast ratio: A rapid measure for testing the dominance of the fast component in the initial OSL signal from quartz
JA Durcan, GAT Duller
Radiation Measurements 46 (10), 1065-1072, 2011
U-Pb zircon dating evidence for a Pleistocene Sarasvati River and capture of the Yamuna River
PD Clift, A Carter, L Giosan, J Durcan, GAT Duller, MG Macklin, A Alizai, ...
Geology 40 (3), 211-214, 2012
Late Quaternary highstands at Lake Chilwa, Malawi: frequency, timing and possible forcing mechanisms in the last 44 ka
DSG Thomas, R Bailey, PA Shaw, JA Durcan, JS Singarayer
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (5-6), 526-539, 2009
Luminescence: comprehensive luminescence dating data analysis
S Kreutzer, C Burow, M Dietze, MC Fuchs, C Schmidt, M Fischer, ...
Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package, version 0.7. 5
S Kreutzer, M Dietze, C Burow, MC Fuchs, C Schmidt, M Fischer, ...
4, 2017
DRAC: Dose Rate and Age Calculator for trapped charge dating, Quat. Geochronol., 28, 54–61
JA Durcan, GE King, GAT Duller
Link: http://bit. ly/3aKUgnz, 2015
Holocene landscape dynamics in the Ghaggar-Hakra palaeochannel region at the northern edge of the Thar Desert, northwest India
JA Durcan, DSG Thomas, S Gupta, V Pawar, RN Singh, CA Petrie
Quaternary International 501, 317-327, 2019
Guide for interpreting and reporting luminescence dating results
SA Mahan, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson, N Ataee, N Brown, R DeWitt, ...
Bulletin 135 (5-6), 1480-1502, 2023
The provenance of Danubian loess
K Fenn, IL Millar, JA Durcan, DSG Thomas, A Banak, SB Marković, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 226, 103920, 2022
The first directly dated evidence for Palaeolithic occupation on the Indian coast at Sandhav, Kachchh
J Blinkhorn, P Ajithprasad, A Mukherjee, P Kumar, JA Durcan, P Roberts
Quaternary Science Reviews 224, 105975, 2019
Exploring procedures for the rapid assessment of optically stimulated luminescence range-finder ages
HM Roberts, JA Durcan, GAT Duller
Radiation Measurements 44 (5-6), 582-587, 2009
A hydromorphic reevaluation of the forgotten river civilizations of Central Asia
WHJ Toonen, MG Macklin, G Dawkes, JA Durcan, M Leman, Y Nikolayev, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 32982-32988, 2020
Testing the use of range-finder OSL dating to inform field sampling and laboratory processing strategies
JA Durcan, HM Roberts, GAT Duller, AH Alizai
Quaternary Geochronology 5 (2-3), 86-90, 2010
Holocene dune activity in the Thar Desert, India
A Srivastava, DSG Thomas, JA Durcan
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (7), 1407-1418, 2019
A tale of two signals: Global and local influences on the Late Pleistocene loess sequences in Bulgarian Lower Danube
K Fenn, DSG Thomas, JA Durcan, IL Millar, D Veres, A Piermattei, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 274, 107264, 2021
A 180 ka record of environmental change at Erdut (Croatia): a new chronology for the loess–palaeosol sequence and its implications for environmental interpretation
K Fenn, JA Durcan, DSG Thomas, A Banak
Journal of quaternary science 35 (4), 582-593, 2020
Geoarchaeological insights into the location of Indus settlements on the plains of northwest India
S Neogi, CAI French, JA Durcan, RN Singh, CA Petrie
Quaternary research 94, 137-155, 2020
Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Thar Desert: An integrated assessment incorporating new insights from aeolian systems
A Srivastava, DSG Thomas, JA Durcan, RM Bailey
Quaternary Science Reviews 233, 106214, 2020
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Articles 1–20