Steven Micheletti
Steven Micheletti
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Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of phage genetic diversity
WH Pope, CA Bowman, DA Russell, D Jacobs-Sera, DJ Asai, ...
elife 4, e06416, 2015
Genetic consequences of the transatlantic slave trade in the Americas
SJ Micheletti, K Bryc, SGA Esselmann, WA Freyman, ME Moreno, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 107 (2), 265-277, 2020
The genetic architecture of depression in individuals of East Asian ancestry: a genome-wide association study
O Giannakopoulou, K Lin, X Meng, MH Su, PH Kuo, RE Peterson, ...
JAMA psychiatry 78 (11), 1258-1269, 2021
Genomic variation underlying complex life-history traits revealed by genome sequencing in Chinook salmon
SR Narum, A Di Genova, SJ Micheletti, A Maass
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1883), 20180935, 2018
How spatio-temporal habitat connectivity affects amphibian genetic structure
AG Watts, PE Schlichting, SM Billerman, BR Jesmer, S Micheletti, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 6, 275, 2015
Selection at a genomic region of major effect is responsible for evolution of complex life histories in anadromous steelhead
SJ Micheletti, JE Hess, JS Zendt, SR Narum
BMC Evolutionary Biology 18, 1-11, 2018
A test of the central–marginal hypothesis using population genetics and ecological niche modelling in an endemic salamander (Ambystoma barbouri)
SJ Micheletti, A Storfer
Molecular Ecology 24 (5), 967-979, 2015
Utility of pooled sequencing for association mapping in nonmodel organisms
SJ Micheletti, SR Narum
Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (4), 825-837, 2018
The origin of tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) populations in California, Oregon, and Nevada: introductions or relicts?
JR Johnson, RC Thomson, SJ Micheletti, HB Shaffer
Conservation Genetics 12, 355-370, 2011
Landscape features along migratory routes influence adaptive genomic variation in anadromous steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
SJ Micheletti, AR Matala, AP Matala, SR Narum
Molecular Ecology 27 (1), 128-145, 2018
Landscape genetics of the Tasmanian devil: implications for spread of an infectious cancer
A Storfer, B Epstein, M Jones, S Micheletti, SF Spear, S Lachish, S Fox
Conservation Genetics 18, 1287-1297, 2017
Prevalence of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, self-reported behavior change, and health care engagement among direct-to-consumer recipients of a personalized genetic risk report
JR Ashenhurst, H Nhan, JF Shelton, S Wu, JY Tung, SL Elson, JK Stoller, ...
Chest 161 (2), 373-381, 2022
Short pond hydroperiod decreases fitness of nonnative hybrid salamanders in C alifornia
JR Johnson, ME Ryan, SJ Micheletti, HB Shaffer
Animal Conservation 16 (5), 556-565, 2013
Adaptive color polymorphism and unusually high local genetic diversity in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana
S Micheletti, E Parra, EJ Routman
PLoS One 7 (10), e47694, 2012
An approach for identifying cryptic barriers to gene flow that limit species' geographic ranges
SJ Micheletti, A Storfer
Molecular Ecology 26 (2), 490-504, 2017
MUSSEL: Enhanced Bayesian polygenic risk prediction leveraging information across multiple ancestry groups
J Jin, J Zhan, J Zhang, R Zhao, J O’Connell, Y Jiang, S Aslibekyan, ...
Cell Genomics 4 (4), 2024
Multi-trait genetic analysis identifies autoimmune loci associated with cutaneous melanoma
UE Liyanage, S MacGregor, DT Bishop, J Shi, J An, JS Ong, X Han, ...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 142 (6), 1607-1616, 2022
The genetic legacy of African Americans from Catoctin furnace
É Harney, S Micheletti, KS Bruwelheide, WA Freyman, K Bryc, A Akbari, ...
Science 381 (6657), eade4995, 2023
Genetic assessment of Columbia River stocks
DJ Hasselman, SA Harmon, AR Matala, AP Matala, SJ Micheletti, ...
4/1/2016–3/1/2017 4 (1), 2016-3, 2017
Mixed support for gene flow as a constraint to local adaptation and contributor to the limited geographic range of an endemic salamander
SJ Micheletti, A Storfer
Molecular Ecology 29 (21), 4091-4101, 2020
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Articles 1–20