Jian Yu
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Cited by
Laccase-catalyzed decolorization of synthetic dyes
Y Wong, J Yu
Water Research 33 (16), 3512-3520, 1999
Ligninase-catalysed decolorization of synthetic dyes
L Young, J Yu
Water Research 31 (5), 1187-1193, 1997
Microbial utilization and biopolyester synthesis of bagasse hydrolysates
J Yu, H Stahl
Bioresource Technology 99, 8042-8048, 2008
Optimal decolorization and kinetic modeling of synthetic dyes by Pseudomonas strains
J Yu, X Wang, PL Yue
Water Research 35 (15), 3579-3586, 2001
Production of PHA from starchy wastewater via organic acids
J Yu
Journal of Biotechnology 86, 105-112, 2001
Kinetics and mechanism of the monomeric products from abiotic hydrolysis of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] under acidic and alkaline conditions
J Yu, D Plackett, LX Chen
Polymer Degradation and Stability 89, 289-299, 2005
The greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy requirement of bioplastics from cradle to gate of a biomass refinery
J Yu, LX Chen
Environmental Science & Technology 42 (18), 6961-6966, 2008
Continuous production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate by Ralstonia eutropha in a two-stage culture system
G Du, J Chen, J Yu, S Lun
Journal of Biotechnology 73 (6), 458-464, 2001
Phenol conversion and dimeric intermediates in Horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed phenol removal from water
J Yu, KE Taylor, H Zou, N Biswas, JK Bewtra
Environmental Science & Technology 28 (8), 2154-2160, 1994
Green technology for conversion of food scraps to biodegradable thermoplastic polyhydroxyalkanoates
G Du, J Yu
Environmental Science & Technology 36 (24), 5511-5516, 2002
Adsorption and degradation of synthetic dyes on the mycelium of Trametes versicolor
YX Wang, J Yu
Water Science & Technology 38 (4-5), 233-238, 1998
Cost effective recovery and purification of polyhydroxyalkanoates by selective dissolution of cell mass
J Yu, L Chen
Biotechnology Progress 22, 547-553, 2006
Biophotolysis-based hydrogen production by cyanobacteria and green microalgae
J Yu, P Takahashi
Communicating current research and educational topics and trends in applied …, 2007
Microbial synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate from glycerol: gluconeogenesis, molecular weight and material properties of biopolyester
N Tanadchangsaeng, J Yu
Biotechnology and bioengineering 109 (11), 2808-2818, 2012
Copper adsorption and removal from water by living mycelium of white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium
C Sing, J Yu
Water Research 32 (9), 2746-2752, 1998
Decolourisation of Acid Violet 7 with complex pellets of white rot fungus and activated carbon
F Zhang, J Yu
Bioprocess Engineering 23, 295-301, 2000
Kinetics modeling of inhibition and utilization of mixed volatile fatty acids in the formation of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Ralstonia eutropha
J Yu, Y Si, WKR Wang
Process Biochemistry 37, 731-738, 2002
The energy efficiency of carbon dioxide fixation by a hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium
J Yu, A Dow, S Pingali
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38, 8683-8690, 2013
Activity and stability of laccase in conjugation with chitosan
G Delanoy, Q Li, J Yu
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 35, 89-95, 2005
Feeding strategy of propionic acid for production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with Ralstonia eutropha
G Du, J Chen, J Yu, S Lun
Biochemical Engineering Journal 8, 103-110, 2001
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