Maggie Hantak
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Cited by
Dietary Alkaloid Sequestration in a Poison Frog: An Experimental Test of Alkaloid Uptake in Melanophryniscus stelzneri (Bufonidae)
MM Hantak, T Grant, S Reinsch, D Mcginnity, M Loring, N Toyooka, ...
Journal of chemical ecology 39, 1400-1406, 2013
A Test of Aposematism in the Dendrobatid Poison Frog Oophaga pumilio: The Importance of Movement in Clay Model Experiments
DJ Paluh, MM Hantak, RA Saporito
Journal of Herpetology 48 (2), 249-254, 2014
Mammalian body size is determined by interactions between climate, urbanization, and ecological traits
MM Hantak, BS McLean, D Li, RP Guralnick
Communications Biology 4 (1), 972, 2021
Methods for broad‐scale plant phenology assessments using citizen scientists’ photographs
VV Barve, L Brenskelle, D Li, BJ Stucky, NV Barve, MM Hantak, ...
Applications in Plant Sciences 8 (1), e11315, 2020
Climate, urbanization, and species traits interactively drive flowering duration
D Li, N Barve, L Brenskelle, K Earl, V Barve, MW Belitz, J Doby, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (4), 892-903, 2021
Body size trends in response to climate and urbanization in the widespread North American deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus
R Guralnick, MM Hantak, D Li, BS McLean
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8882, 2020
Multilocus Phylogeography of Eastern Red-Backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus): Cryptic Appalachian Diversity and Postglacial Range Expansion
T Radomski, MM Hantak, AD Brown, SR Kuchta
Herpetologica 76 (1), 61-73, 2020
Climate drivers of adult insect activity are conditioned by life history traits
MW Belitz, V Barve, JR Doby, MM Hantak, EA Larsen, D Li, JA Oswald, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (12), 2687-2699, 2021
Rampant tooth loss across 200 million years of frog evolution
DJ Paluh, K Riddell, CM Early, MM Hantak, GFM Jongsma, RM Keeffe, ...
Elife 10, e66926, 2021
Predator perception across space and time: relative camouflage in a colour polymorphic salamander
MM Hantak, SR Kuchta
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 123 (1), 21-33, 2018
Do genetic structure and landscape heterogeneity impact color morph frequency in a polymorphic salamander?
MM Hantak, RB Page, PE Converse, CD Anthony, CAM Hickerson, ...
Ecography 42 (8), 1383-1394, 2019
Genetic Analysis of a Cryptic Contact Zone between Mitochondrial Clades of the Eastern Red-Backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus
BP Waldron, SR Kuchta, MM Hantak, CAM Hickerson, CD Anthony
Journal of Herpetology 53 (2), 144-153, 2019
Colour scales with climate in North American ratsnakes: a test of the thermal melanism hypothesis using community science images
MM Hantak, RP Guralnick, AC Cameron, AH Griffing, SM Harrington, ...
Biology Letters 18 (12), 20220403, 2022
Rapid phenotypic change in a polymorphic salamander over 43 years
MM Hantak, NA Federico, DC Blackburn, RP Guralnick
Scientific reports 11 (1), 22681, 2021
Bufadienolide and alkaloid-based chemical defences in two different species of neotropical anurans are equally effective against the same arthropod predators
MM Hantak, DJ Paluh, RA Saporito
Journal of Tropical Ecology 32 (2), 165-169, 2016
A spatiotemporal assessment of dietary partitioning between color morphs of a terrestrial salamander
MM Hantak, KM Brooks, CAM Hickerson, CD Anthony, SR Kuchta
Copeia 108 (4), 727-736, 2020
Computer vision for assessing species color pattern variation from web-based community science images
MM Hantak, RP Guralnick, A Zare, BJ Stucky
Iscience 25 (8), 2022
Comparison of the diets of sympatric erythristic and striped morphs of Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Red-backed Salamander)
MM Hantak, DJ Paluh, CAM Hickerson
Northeastern Naturalist 23 (2), 219-228, 2016
A solution to the challenges of interdisciplinary aggregation and use of specimen-level trait data
MA Balk, J Deck, KF Emery, RL Walls, D Reuter, R LaFrance, ...
Iscience 25 (10), 2022
Mammalian body size is determined by interactions between climate, urbanization, and ecological traits. Commun Biol 4: 972
MM Hantak, BS McLean, D Li, RP Guralnick
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Articles 1–20