Luciano Scarfì
Luciano Scarfì
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Slab narrowing in the Central Mediterranean: The Calabro-Ionian subduction zone as imaged by high resolution seismic tomography
L Scarfì, G Barberi, G Barreca, F Cannavò, I Koulakov, D Patanè
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5178, 2018
Stress directions and shear-wave anisotropy: observations from local earthquakes in southeastern Sicily, Italy
C Musumeci, D Patane, L Scarfĭ, S Gresta
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (4), 1359-1374, 2005
Possible role of fluid overpressure in the generation of earthquake swarms in active tectonic areas: the case of the Peloritani Mts.(Sicily, Italy)
S Giammanco, M Palano, A Scaltrito, L Scarfì, F Sortino
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 178 (4), 795-806, 2008
High‐precision locations of the microseismicity preceding the 2002–2003 Mt. Etna eruption
S Gambino, A Mostaccio, D Patanè, L Scarfì, A Ursino
Geophysical research letters 31 (18), 2004
Foreland segmentation along an active convergent margin: New constraints in southeastern Sicily (Italy) from seismic and geodetic observations
C Musumeci, L Scarfì, M Palano, D Patanè
Tectonophysics 630, 137-149, 2014
New insights in the geodynamics of the Lipari–Vulcano area (Aeolian Archipelago, southern Italy) from geological, geodetic and seismological data
G Barreca, V Bruno, F Cultrera, M Mattia, C Monaco, L Scarfì
Journal of Geodynamics 82, 150-167, 2014
Shear wave splitting changes associated with the 2001 volumecanic eruption on Mt Etna
F Bianco, L Scarfı, E Del Pezzo, D Patanè
Geophysical Journal International 167 (2), 959-967, 2006
Discrimination of quarry blasts from tectonic microearthquakes in the Hyblean Plateau (Southeastern Sicily)
A Ursino, H Langer, L Scarfi, G Di Grazia, S Gresta
Annals of Geophysics 44 (4), 2001
Seismological constraints for the dyke emplacement of the July-August 2001 lateral eruption at Mt. Etna volcano, Italy
D Patanè, E Privitera, S Gresta, S Alparone, A Akinci, G Barberi, ...
Annals of geophysics, 2003
Sicily and Southern Calabria focal mechanism database: a valuable tool for local and regional stress field determination
L Scarfì, A Messina, C Cassisi
Annals of Geophysics, 2013
New insights on 3D crustal structure in southeastern Sicily (Italy) and tectonic implications from an adaptive mesh seismic tomography
L Scarfì, E Giampiccolo, C Musumeci, D Patanè, H Zhang
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (1-2), 74-85, 2007
Instrumental seismic catalogue of Mt. Etna earthquakes (Sicily, Italy): ten years (2000-2010) of instrumental recordings
S Alparone, V Maiolino, A Mostaccio, A Scaltrito, A Ursino, G Barberi, ...
Annals of Geophysics, 2015
Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale nel periodo Gennaio 2002-Dicembre 2005
R Azzaro, S D'amico, A Mostaccio, L Scarfì, T Tuvè
Quaderni di Geofisica, 2006
Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrusting and folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily): Revaluation of “seismic efficiency” of the Sicilian Basal Thrust
G De Guidi, G Barberi, G Barreca, V Bruno, F Cultrera, S Grassi, S Imposa, ...
Journal of geodynamics 90, 32-41, 2015
The Strait of Messina: Seismotectonics and the source of the 1908 earthquake
G Barreca, F Gross, L Scarfì, M Aloisi, C Monaco, S Krastel
Earth-Science Reviews 218, 103685, 2021
Multidisciplinary study of the Tindari Fault (Sicily, Italy) separating ongoing contractional and extensional compartments along the active Africa–Eurasia convergent boundary
G De Guidi, G Lanzafame, M Palano, G Puglisi, A Scaltrito, L Scarfì
Tectonophysics 588, 1-17, 2013
New structural and seismological evidence and interpretation of a lithospheric‐scale shear zone at the southern edge of the Ionian subduction system (central‐eastern Sicily, Italy)
G Barreca, L Scarfì, F Cannavò, I Koulakov, C Monaco
Tectonics 35 (6), 1489-1505, 2016
Active faulting and continental slope instability in the Gulf of Patti (Tyrrhenian side of NE Sicily, Italy): a field, marine and seismological joint analysis
F Cultrera, G Barreca, P Burrato, L Ferranti, C Monaco, S Passaro, F Pepe, ...
Natural Hazards 86, 253-272, 2017
Fault pattern and seismotectonic potential at the south-western edge of the Ionian Subduction system (southern Italy): New field and geophysical constraints
G Barreca, L Scarfì, F Gross, C Monaco, G De Guidi
Tectonophysics 761, 31-45, 2019
Seismological constraints on the 2018 Mt. Etna (Italy) flank eruption and implications for the flank dynamics of the volcano
S Alparone, G Barberi, E Giampiccolo, V Maiolino, A Mostaccio, ...
Terra Nova 32 (5), 334-344, 2020
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Articles 1–20