Ujvala Rajadhyaksha
Cited by
Cited by
Mission possible: Do school mission statements work?
JH Davis, JA Ruhe, M Lee, U Rajadhyaksha
Journal of business ethics 70, 99-110, 2007
Life role salience: A study of dual-career couples in the Indian context
U Rajadhyaksha, D Bhatnagar
Human Relations 53 (4), 489-511, 2000
Tracing a timeline for work and family research in India
U Rajadhyaksha, S Smita
Economic and Political Weekly, 1674-1680, 2004
Attitudes towards work and family roles and their implications for career growth of women: A report from India
D Bhatnagar, U Rajadhyaksha
Sex Roles 45, 549-565, 2001
Work‐life balance in South East Asia: the Indian experience
U Rajadhyaksha
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 1 (1), 108-127, 2012
Managerial competence: do technical capabilities matter?
U Rajadhyaksha
Vikalpa 30 (2), 47-56, 2005
Gender, gender-role ideology, and the work–family interface: A cross-cultural analysis
U Rajadhyaksha, K Korabik, Z Aycan
Gender and the work-family experience: An intersection of two domains, 99-117, 2015
Work–family conflict and organisationally valued outcomes: The moderating role of decision latitude in five national contexts
TK Billing, RS Bhagat, E Babakus, B Krishnan, DL Ford Jr, BN Srivastava, ...
Applied Psychology 63 (1), 62-95, 2014
Gender, gender role ideology and work-family conflict in India
U Rajadhyaksha, S Velgach
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1-40, 2009
What do we know about corporate philanthropy? A review and research directions
UR W Cha
Business Ethics A European Review 30 (3), 262-286, 2021
Gender differences in commitment to roles, work-family conflict and social support
K Ramadoss, U Rajadhyaksha
Journal of Social Sciences 33 (2), 227-233, 2012
What is a better predictor of work-family conflict in india?–gender or gender role ideology
U Rajadhyaksha, S Velgach
Work and family interface in the international career context, 71-93, 2015
Global cities, work and family collectivism and work-family conflict in India
G Shah, U Rajadhyaksha
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 5 (3), 341-361, 2016
The value flame at the base of the pyramid (VFBOP): Identifying and creating a valuable market
RL Williams, M Omar, U Rajadhyaksha
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, & Branding in …, 2012
Sources of non-institutional support and work-family conflict in India
U Rajadhyaksha
International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural …, 2004
Character development in business education: A comparison of coeducational and single-sex environments
JH Davis, J Ruhe, M Lee, U Rajadhyaksha
Journal of Management Education 35 (2), 227-259, 2011
Work-family conflict across the work-family life cycle: A study of dual career couples
U Rajadhyaksha
Does it matter where you live? Examining the impact of gender, gender egalitarianism and city context on the work–family interface
U Rajadhyaksha
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 9 (3), 391-410, 2020
The work-family interface around the world: Implications and recommendations for policy and practice
U Rajadhyaksha, K Korabik, DS Lero, L Zugec, B Beham
Organizational Dynamics 49 (2), 1-11, 2020
Work-family conflict in India: Test of a causal model
U Rajadhyaksha, K Ramadoss
Stress and work: Perspectives on understanding and managing stress 129, 2013
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Articles 1–20