John Thøgersen
Cited by
Cited by
Sustainable consumption: Opportunities for consumer research and public policy
A Prothero, S Dobscha, J Freund, WE Kilbourne, MG Luchs, LK Ozanne, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 30 (1), 31-38, 2011
Human values and the emergence of a sustainable consumption pattern: A panel study
J Thøgersen, F Ölander
Journal of economic psychology 23 (5), 605-630, 2002
Understanding of consumer behaviour as a prerequisite for environmental protection
F Ölander, J Thøgersen
Journal of consumer policy 18, 345-385, 1995
The importance of consumer trust for the emergence of a market for green products: The case of organic food
K Nuttavuthisit, J Thøgersen
Journal of business ethics 140, 323-337, 2017
Norms for environmentally responsible behaviour: An extended taxonomy
J Thøgersen
Journal of environmental Psychology 26 (4), 247-261, 2006
Spillover of environment-friendly consumer behavior
J Thøgersen, F Ölander
Journal of Environmental Psychology 23 (3), 225-236, 2003
How may consumer policy empower consumers for sustainable lifestyles?
J Thøgersen
Journal of consumer policy 28 (2), 143-177, 2005
Simple and painless? The limitations of spillover in environmental campaigning
J Thøgersen, T Crompton
Journal of Consumer Policy 32, 141-163, 2009
Consumer responses to ecolabels
J Thøgersen, P Haugaard, A Olesen
European journal of marketing 44 (11/12), 1787-1810, 2010
Activation of social norms in social dilemmas: A review of the evidence and reflections on the implications for environmental behaviour
A Biel, J Thøgersen
Journal of economic psychology 28 (1), 93-112, 2007
Psychological determinants of paying attention to eco-labels in purchase decisions: Model development and multinational validation
J Thøgersen
Journal of consumer policy 23 (3), 285-313, 2000
Recycling and morality
J Thøgersen
A critical review of the literature. Environment and Behavior 28, 536-558, 1996
A cognitive dissonance interpretation of consistencies and inconsistencies in environmentally responsible behavior
J Thøgersen
Journal of environmental Psychology 24 (1), 93-103, 2004
Country differences in sustainable consumption: The case of organic food
J Thøgersen
Journal of Macromarketing 30 (2), 171-185, 2010
Spillover processes in the development of a sustainable consumption pattern
J Thøgersen
Journal of economic psychology 20 (1), 53-81, 1999
Like father, like son? Intergenerational transmission of values, attitudes, and behaviours in the environmental domain
A Grønhøj, J Thøgersen
Journal of Environmental Psychology 29 (4), 414-421, 2009
The moderating role of human values in planned behavior: the case of Chinese consumers' intention to buy organic food
Y Zhou, J Thøgersen, Y Ruan, G Huang
Journal of consumer marketing 30 (4), 335-344, 2013
Informing versus nudging in environmental policy
F Ölander, J Thøgersen
Journal of Consumer Policy 37, 341-356, 2014
Electricity saving in households—A social cognitive approach
J Thøgersen, A Grønhøj
Energy policy 38 (12), 7732-7743, 2010
Action speaks louder than words: The effect of personal attitudes and family norms on adolescents' pro-environmental behaviour
A Grønhøj, J Thøgersen
Journal of Economic Psychology 33 (1), 292-302, 2012
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