Rakib Hyder
Rakib Hyder
Research Scientist, InnoPeak Technology, Inc.
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Cited by
Real-time robust heart rate estimation from wrist-type PPG signals using multiple reference adaptive noise cancellation
SS Chowdhury, R Hyder, MSB Hafiz, MA Haque
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (2), 450-459, 2016
Alternating phase projected gradient descent with generative priors for solving compressive phase retrieval
R Hyder, V Shah, C Hegde, MS Asif
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Acoustic scene classification using a CNN-SuperVector system trained with auditory and spectrogram image features.
R Hyder, S Ghaffarzadegan, Z Feng, JHL Hansen, T Hasan
Interspeech, 3073-3077, 2017
Numerical studies on a plasmonic temperature nanosensor based on a metal-insulator-metal ring resonator structure for optical integrated circuit applications
Md. Jubayer Al-mahmod, Rakib Hyder, Md Zahurul Islam
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 25, 52–57, 2017
Solving phase retrieval with a learned reference
R Hyder, Z Cai, MS Asif
European Conference on Computer Vision, 425-441, 2020
Real-time non-intrusive eye-gaze tracking based wheelchair control for the physically challenged
R Hyder, SS Chowdhury, SA Fattah
2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES …, 2016
Generative models for low-dimensional video representation and reconstruction
R Hyder, MS Asif
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 1688-1701, 2020
Non-adversarial video synthesis with learned priors
A Aich, A Gupta, R Panda, R Hyder, MS Asif, AK Roy-Chowdhury
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
A highly sensitive metal–insulator–metal ring resonator-based nanophotonic structure for biosensing applications
MJ Al Mahmod, R Hyder, MZ Islam
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (16), 6563-6568, 2018
Robust single finger movement detection scheme for real time wheelchair control by physically challenged people
SS Chowdhury, R Hyder, C Shahanaz, SA Fattah
2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 773-777, 2017
Incremental task learning with incremental rank updates
R Hyder, K Shao, B Hou, P Markopoulos, A Prater-Bennette, MS Asif
European Conference on Computer Vision, 566-582, 2022
BUET bosch consortium (B2C) acoustic scene classification systems for DCASE 2017
R Hyder, S Ghaffarzadegan, Z Feng, T Hasan
IEEE AASP Challenge on DCASE 2017 technical reports, 2017
Predictive real-time beat tracking from music for embedded application
I Al-Hussaini, AI Humayun, S Alam, SI Foysal, A Al Masud, A Mahmud, ...
2018 IEEE Conference on multimedia information processing and retrieval …, 2018
Fourier phase retrieval with side information using generative prior
R Hyder, C Hegde, MS Asif
2019 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 759-763, 2019
Toward simple, generalizable neural networks with universal training for low-SWaP hybrid vision
B Muminov, A Perry, R Hyder, MS Asif, LT Vuong
Photonics Research 9 (7), B253-B261, 2021
Buet Bosch consortium (B2C) acoustic scene classification systems for DCASE 2017 challenge
R Hyder, S Ghaffarzadegan, Z Feng, T Hasan
Proceedings of the Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic …, 2017
Data-driven illumination patterns for coded diffraction imaging
Z Cai, R Hyder, MS Asif
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2818-2822, 2021
Generative models for low-rank video representation and reconstruction from compressive measurements
R Hyder, MS Asif
2019 IEEE 29th international workshop on machine learning for signal …, 2019
A consensus equilibrium solution for deep image prior powered by RED
R Hyder, H Mansour, Y Ma, PT Boufounos, P Wang
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Learning to Sense for Coded Diffraction Imaging
R Hyder, Z Cai, MS Asif
Sensors 22 (24), 9964, 2022
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Articles 1–20