Andy Tay
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Cited by
Ultra-fast, label-free isolation of circulating tumor cells from blood using spiral microfluidics
ME Warkiani, BL Khoo, L Wu, AKP Tay, AAS Bhagat, J Han, CT Lim
Nature protocols 11 (1), 134-148, 2016
In situ synthesis of size-controlled, stable silver nanoparticles within ultrashort peptide hydrogels and their anti-bacterial properties
MR Reithofer, A Lakshmanan, ATK Ping, JM Chin, CAE Hauser
Biomaterials 35 (26), 7535-7542, 2014
Large-scale production of stem cells utilizing microcarriers: a biomaterials engineering perspective from academic research to commercialized products
H Tavassoli, SN Alhosseini, A Tay, PPY Chan, SKW Oh, ME Warkiani
Biomaterials 181, 333-346, 2018
Membrane-less microfiltration using inertial microfluidics
ME Warkiani, AKP Tay, G Guan, J Han
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11018, 2015
Malaria detection using inertial microfluidics
ME Warkiani, AKP Tay, BL Khoo, X Xiaofeng, J Han, CT Lim
Lab on a Chip 15 (4), 1101-1109, 2015
Advances in microfluidics in combating infectious diseases
A Tay, A Pavesi, SR Yazdi, CT Lim, ME Warkiani
Biotechnology advances 34 (4), 404-421, 2016
Large-volume microfluidic cell sorting for biomedical applications
ME Warkiani, L Wu, AKP Tay, J Han
Annual review of biomedical engineering 17 (1), 1-34, 2015
Induction of calcium influx in cortical neural networks by nanomagnetic forces
A Tay, A Kunze, C Murray, D Di Carlo
Acs Nano 10 (2), 2331-2341, 2016
Magnetic nanoparticle-based mechanical stimulation for restoration of mechano-sensitive ion channel equilibrium in neural networks
A Tay, D Di Carlo
Nano letters 17 (2), 886-892, 2017
A 3D magnetic hyaluronic acid hydrogel for magnetomechanical neuromodulation of primary dorsal root ganglion neurons
A Tay, A Sohrabi, K Poole, S Seidlits, D Di Carlo
Advanced Materials 30 (29), 1800927, 2018
Nanostructured materials for intracellular cargo delivery
A Tay, N Melosh
Accounts of chemical research 52 (9), 2462-2471, 2019
Engineering a 3D microfluidic culture platform for tumor-treating field application
A Pavesi, G Adriani, A Tay, ME Warkiani, WH Yeap, SC Wong, RD Kamm
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26584, 2016
Microbial resistance to nanotechnologies: An important but understudied consideration using antimicrobial nanotechnologies in orthopaedic implants
Z Wu, B Chan, J Low, JJH Chu, HWD Hey, A Tay
Bioactive Materials 16, 249-270, 2022
Design principles of microneedles for drug delivery and sampling applications
Z Le, J Yu, YJ Quek, B Bai, X Li, Y Shou, B Myint, C Xu, A Tay
Materials Today 63, 137-169, 2023
Materials for improving immune cell transfection
ARK Kumar, Y Shou, B Chan, A Tay
Advanced Materials 33 (21), 2007421, 2021
Mitigating the impact of conference and travel cancellations on researchers’ futures
T Weissgerber, Y Bediako, CM De Winde, H Ebrahimi, ...
Elife 9, e57032, 2020
Mechano‐activated cell therapy for accelerated diabetic wound healing
Y Shou, Z Le, HS Cheng, Q Liu, YZ Ng, DL Becker, X Li, L Liu, C Xue, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (47), 2304638, 2023
Transfection with Nanostructure Electro‐Injection is Minimally Perturbative
A Tay, N Melosh
Advanced Therapeutics, 2019
Dynamic Stimulations with Bioengineered Extracellular Matrix‐Mimicking Hydrogels for Mechano Cell Reprogramming and Therapy
Y Shou, XY Teo, KZ Wu, B Bai, ARK Kumar, J Low, Z Le, A Tay
Advanced Science 10 (21), 2300670, 2023
Modulating the mechanical activation of TRPV4 at the cell-substrate interface
S Sianati, L Schroeter, J Richardson, A Tay, SR Lamandé, K Poole
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 608951, 2021
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Articles 1–20