Savithri H. S
Savithri H. S
Prof,Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012
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Total peroxidase activity and peroxidase isoforms as modified by salt stress in two cultivars of fox-tail millet with differential salt tolerance
N Sreenivasulu, S Ramanjulu, K Ramachandra-Kini, HS Prakash, ...
Plant Science 141 (1), 1-9, 1999
Structure–function relationship in serine hydroxymethyltransferase
NA Rao, M Ambili, VR Jala, HS Subramanya, HS Savithri
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1647 (1-2), 24-29, 2003
Genetic variability of begomoviruses associated with cotton leaf curl disease originating from India
N Kirthi, CGP Priyadarshini, P Sharma, SP Maiya, V Hemalatha, ...
Archives of Virology 149, 2047-2057, 2004
Molecular characterization and interviral relationships of a flexuous filamentous virus causing mosaic disease of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in India
M Hema, J Joseph, K Gopinath, P Sreenivasulu, HS Savithri
Archives of Virology 144, 479-490, 1999
Crystal structure of binary and ternary complexes of serine hydroxymethyltransferase from Bacillus stearothermophilus: insights into the catalytic mechanism
V Trivedi, A Gupta, VR Jala, P Saravanan, GSJ Rao, NA Rao, HS Savithri, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (19), 17161-17169, 2002
The self-assembly of the cowpea strain of southern bean mosaic virus: formation of T= 1 and T= 3 nucleoprotein particles
HS Savithri, JW Erickson
Virology 126 (1), 328-335, 1983
Evidence for recombination among the tomato leaf curl virus strains/species from Bangalore, India
N Kirthi, SP Maiya, MRN Murthy, HS Savithri
Archives of Virology 147, 255-272, 2002
Structure of sesbania mosaic virus at 3 Å resolution
M Bhuvaneshwari, HS Subramanya, K Gopinath, HS Savithri, MV Nayudu, ...
Structure 3 (10), 1021-1030, 1995
Potyviral NIa proteinase, a proteinase with novel deoxyribonuclease activity
R Anindya, HS Savithri
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (31), 32159-32169, 2004
Development of recombinant coat protein antibody based IC-RT-PCR for detection and discrimination of sugarcane streak mosaic virus isolates from Southern India
M Hema, N Kirthi, P Sreenivasulu, HS Savithri
Archives of Virology 148, 1185-1193, 2003
A molecular switch in the capsid protein controls the particle polymorphism in an icosahedral virus
GL Lokesh, TDS Gowri, PS Satheshkumar, MRN Murthy, HS Savithri
Virology 292 (2), 211-223, 2002
Tyrosine 66 of Pepper vein banding virus genome-linked protein is uridylylated by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
R Anindya, S Chittori, HS Savithri
Virology 336 (2), 154-162, 2005
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. Pusa Ruby) with coat-protein gene of Physalis mottle tymovirus
CSS Vidya, M Manoharan, CTR Kumar, HS Savtthri, GL Sita
Journal of plant physiology 156 (1), 106-110, 2000
Functional Characterization of Coat Protein and V2 Involved in Cell to Cell Movement of Cotton Leaf Curl Kokhran Virus-Dabawali
CG Poornima Priyadarshini, MV Ambika, R Tippeswamy, HS Savithri
PloS one 6 (11), e26929, 2011
Consanguineous marriage and postnatal mortality in Karnataka, South India
AH Bittles, ARR Devi, HS Savithri, R Sridhar, NA Rao
Man, 736-745, 1987
Taxonomic position of sugarcane streak mosaic virus in the family Potyviridae * Brief Report
M Hema, P Sreenivasulu, HS Savithri
Archives of Virology 147, 1997-2007, 2002
“Natively unfolded” VPg is essential for Sesbania mosaic virus serine protease activity
PS Satheshkumar, P Gayathri, K Prasad, HS Savithri
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (34), 30291-30300, 2005
NSs encoded by groundnut bud necrosis virus is a bifunctional enzyme
B Lokesh, PR Rashmi, BS Amruta, D Srisathiyanarayanan, MRN Murthy, ...
PLoS One 5 (3), e9757, 2010
The role of arginine-rich motif and β-annulus in the assembly and stability of Sesbania mosaic virus capsids
PS Satheshkumar, GL Lokesh, MRN Murthy, HS Savithri
Journal of molecular biology 353 (2), 447-458, 2005
Surface-exposed amino-and carboxy-terminal residues are crucial for the initiation of assembly in Pepper vein banding virus: a flexuous rod-shaped virus
R Anindya, HS Savithri
Virology 316 (2), 325-336, 2003
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Articles 1–20