Hyungbeen Lee
Hyungbeen Lee
Ph.D., Global BD, Daewoong Pharmaceutical
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Label-Free and Recalibrated Multilayer MoS2 Biosensor for Point-of-Care Diagnostics
H Park, G Han, SW Lee, H Lee, SH Jeong, M Naqi, AA AlMutairi, YJ Kim, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (50), 43490-43497, 2017
Mapping the surface charge distribution of amyloid fibril
G Lee, W Lee, H Lee, S Woo Lee, D Sung Yoon, K Eom, T Kwon
Applied Physics Letters 101 (4), 2012
Surface potential analysis of nanoscale biomaterials and devices using kelvin probe force microscopy
H Lee, W Lee, JH Lee, DS Yoon
Journal of Nanomaterials 2016 (1), 4209130, 2016
Real-time electrical detection of epidermal skin MoS2 biosensor for point-of-care diagnostics
G Yoo, H Park, M Kim, WG Song, S Jeong, MH Kim, H Lee, SW Lee, ...
Nano Research 10, 767-775, 2017
Aptamer-functionalized nano-pattern based on carbon nanotube for sensitive, selective protein detection
K Nam, K Eom, J Yang, J Park, G Lee, K Jang, H Lee, SW Lee, DS Yoon, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (44), 23348-23356, 2012
MoS2 Field-Effect Transistor-Amyloid-β1–42 Hybrid Device for Signal Amplified Detection of MMP-9
H Park, H Lee, SH Jeong, E Lee, W Lee, N Liu, DS Yoon, S Kim, SW Lee
Analytical chemistry 91 (13), 8252-8258, 2019
Self-assembled amyloid fibrils with controllable conformational heterogeneity
G Lee, W Lee, H Lee, CY Lee, K Eom, T Kwon
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 16220, 2015
Characterization of the regrowth behavior of amyloid-like fragmented fibrils decomposed by ultrasonic treatment
W Lee, H Jung, M Son, H Lee, TJ Kwak, G Lee, CH Kim, SW Lee, ...
RSC Advances 4 (100), 56561-56566, 2014
Detection of silver ions using dielectrophoretic tweezers-based force spectroscopy
S Choi, G Lee, IS Park, M Son, W Kim, H Lee, SY Lee, S Na, DS Yoon, ...
Analytical chemistry 88 (22), 10867-10875, 2016
Quantifying L-ascorbic acid-driven inhibitory effect on amyloid fibrillation
W Lee, I Kim, SW Lee, H Lee, G Lee, S Kim, SW Lee, DS Yoon
Macromolecular Research 24, 868-873, 2016
Nanomechanical characterization of chemical interaction between gold nanoparticles and chemical functional groups
G Lee, H Lee, K Nam, JH Han, J Yang, SW Lee, DS Yoon, K Eom, T Kwon
Nanoscale research letters 7, 1-11, 2012
Dielectrophoretic force measurement of red blood cells exposed to oxidative stress using optical tweezers and a microfluidic chip
HJ Jeon, H Lee, DS Yoon, BM Kim
Biomedical engineering letters 7, 317-323, 2017
Highly-efficient microfluidic ultrasonic transducers assisted gDNA extraction system in whole blood for POCT applications
H Lee, MT Oh, YJ Lee, KH Son, N Choi, BC Lee, SH Lee
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 319, 128317, 2020
Kelvin probe force microscopy of DNA-capped nanoparticles for single-nucleotide polymorphism detection
H Lee, SW Lee, G Lee, W Lee, JH Lee, KS Hwang, J Yang, SW Lee, ...
Nanoscale 8 (28), 13537-13544, 2016
Blood droplet-based cancer diagnosis via proteolytic activity measurement in cancer progression
JW Choi, H Lee, G Lee, YR Kim, MJ Ahn, HJ Park, K Eom, T Kwon
Theranostics 7 (11), 2878, 2017
Extremely sensitive and wide-range silver ion detection via assessing the integrated surface potential of a DNA-capped gold nanoparticle
D Lee, H Lee, G Lee, I Kim, SW Lee, W Kim, SW Lee, JH Lee, J Park, ...
Nanotechnology 30 (8), 085501, 2018
Identifying DNA mismatches at single-nucleotide resolution by probing individual surface potentials of DNA-capped nanoparticles
H Lee, SW Lee, G Lee, W Lee, K Nam, JH Lee, KS Hwang, J Yang, H Lee, ...
Nanoscale 10 (2), 538-547, 2018
Nanoelectrical characterization of amyloid-β42 aggregates via Kelvin probe force microscopy
W Lee, H Lee, Y Choi, KS Hwang, SW Lee, G Lee, DS Yoon
Macromolecular Research 25 (12), 1187-1191, 2017
Advances in AFM Imaging Applications for Characterizing the Biophysical Properties of Amyloid
W Lee, H Lee, G Lee
Exploring new findings on amyloidosis, 99, 2016
Surface potential microscopy of surfactant-controlled single gold nanoparticle
H Lee, Y Hong, D Lee, S Hwang, G Lee, J Yang, DS Yoon
Nanotechnology 31 (21), 215706, 2020
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Articles 1–20