Robert J. Aalberts
Robert J. Aalberts
Professor of Legal Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Cited by
Cited by
The global burden of cancer 2013
Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration
JAMA oncology 1 (4), 505, 2015
Production, characterization and control of a Neisseria meningitidis hexavalent class 1 outer membrane protein containing vesicle vaccine
I Claassen, J Meylis, P van der Ley, C Peeters, H Brons, J Robert, ...
Vaccine 14 (10), 1001-1008, 1996
Information systems security and the need for policy
ME Whitman, AM Townsend, RJ Aalberts
Information security management: Global challenges in the new millennium, 9-18, 2001
Legal and ethical challenges of online behavioral targeting in advertising
A Nill, RJ Aalberts
Journal of current issues & research in advertising 35 (2), 126-146, 2014
The new prudent investor rule and the modern portfolio theory: a new direction for fiduciaries
RJ Aalberts, PS Poon
Am. Bus. LJ 34, 39, 1996
Sonora (2002)“Price Index Convergence among United States Cities.”
SG Cecchetti, NC Mark, J Robert
International Economic Review 43 (4), 1081-1099, 0
Sexual harassment of employees by non-employees: when does the employer become liable
RJ Aalberts, LH Seidman
Pepp. L. Rev. 21, 447, 1993
The ethics of slotting: Is this bribery, facilitation marketing or just plain competition?
RJ Aalberts, MM Jennings
Journal of Business Ethics 20, 207-215, 1999
Americans with Disabilities Act: Undue hardship for private sector employers?
EP Kelly, RJ Aalberts
Labor Law Journal 41 (10), 675-684, 1990
The threat of long-arm jurisdiction to electronic commerce
RJ Aalberts, AM Townsend, ME Whitman
Communications of the ACM 41 (12), 15-20, 1998
Law and Business: The regulatory environment
LS Clark, RJ Aalberts, PD Kinder
(No Title), 1991
In third parties we trust-the growing antitrust impact of third-party green building certification systems for state and local governments
DA Prum, RJ Aalberts, S Del Percio
J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 27, 191, 2012
Considerations for an effective telecommunications-use policy
ME Whitman, AM Townsend, RJ Aalberts
Communications of the ACM 42 (6), 101-108, 1999
Real estate law
GJ Siedel
(No Title), 1993
Sexual-harassment policies for the workplace: A tale of two companies
RJ Aalberts, LH Seidman
The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 37 (5), 78-85, 1996
Online behavioral targeting: What does the law say?
RJ Aalberts, A Nill, PS Poon
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 37 (2), 95-112, 2016
Derivatives and the modern prudent investor rule: too risky or too necessary
RJ Aalberts, PS Poon
Ohio St. LJ 67, 525, 2006
Public defender's conundrum: Signaling professionalism and quality in the absence of price
RJ Aalberts, T Boyt, LH Seidman
San Diego L. Rev. 39, 525, 2002
Poly (1-caprolactone)/clay nanocomposites prepared by melt intercalation: mechanical, thermal and rheological properties
L Benedicte, D Myriam, P Nadège, A Michael, K Dana, C Cedric, J Robert, ...
Polymer 43 (16), 4017-23, 2002
The Family and Medical Leave Act: Does it make unreasonable demands on employers
RJ Aalberts, LH Seidman
Marq. L. Rev. 80, 135, 1996
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Articles 1–20