Rachmad Setijadi
Rachmad Setijadi
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Effect of calcium stearate in the mechanical and physical properties of concrete with PCC and fly ash as binders
A Maryoto, B Sthenly Gan, N Intang Setyo Hermanto, R Setijadi
Materials 13 (6), 1394, 2020
Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Containing Calcium Stearate, (Ca(C18H35O2)2), with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a Binder: Experimental and Modelling …
A Maryoto, R Setijadi, A Widyaningrum, S Waluyo
Molecules 25 (21), 4880, 2020
Run-up height and flow depth simulation of the 2006 South Java tsunami using COMCOT on Widarapayung Beach
FXAT Laksono, MR Aditama, R Setijadi, G Ramadhan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 982 (1), 012047, 2020
The compressive strength and resistivity toward corrosion attacks by chloride ion of concrete containing type I cement and calcium stearate
A Maryoto, BS Gan, NIS Hermanto, R Setijadi
International Journal of Corrosion 2018 (1), 2042510, 2018
Potensi Bencana Geologi Pada Penambangan Emas dan Lempung di Desa Cihonje Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas
A Widagdo, R Setijadi
Dinamika Rekayasa 11 (1), 11-15, 2015
Kontrol Struktur Geologi Terhadap Gerakan Tanah dan Batuan pada Batuan Formasi Halang di Daerah Sirau, Kecamatan Karang Moncol-Purbalingga, Propinsi Jawa Tengah
A Widagdo, S Iswahyudi, R Setijadi, I Permanajati, A Tilaksono
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar 12, 574-578, 2021
Keanekaragaman Flora Hutan Mangrove di Pantai Kaliuntu-Rembang Berdasarkan Bukti Palinologinya
SWA Suedy, TR Soeprobowati, AT Rahardjo, KA Maryunani, R Setijadi
Biodiversitas 7 (4), 322-326, 2006
Corrosion resistance of self-compacting concrete containing calcium stearate
A Maryoto, BS Gan, NIS Hermanto, R Setijadi
J. Eng. Sci. Tech 13, 3263-3276, 2018
Kajian Petrografi pada Zona Pelapukan Breksi Piroklastik terhadap Longsoran Gunung Pawinihan, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah
I Permanajati, Z Zakaria, MSD Hadian, HZ Anwar, R Setijadi
Dinamika Rekayasa 14 (1), 9-16, 2018
Dinamika Vegetasi Mangrove Holosen Daerah Semarang Berdasarkan bukti Palinologi
R Setijadi, S Suwardi, SWA Suedy
Dinamika Rekayasa 6 (1), 9-13, 2010
Sejarah Flora Dan Vegetasi Formasi Kalibiuk Dan Kaliglagah Daerah Bumiayu Ditinjau Dari Bukti Palinologi
R Setijadi, SWA Suedy, AT Rahardjo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2005
Palinologi Formasi Nampol dan Hubungan Stratigrafinya dengan Formasi Punung di Daerah Punung, Kabupaten Pacitan-Jawa Timur
AT Rahardjo, E Yulianto, R Setijadi
Buletin Geologi, Jurusan Geologi, Institut Teknologi Bandung 29 (2), 1998
The Impact of Physical and Chemical Properties to Form a Slip Surface in Pyroclastic Breccia in Pawinihan Landslide, Banjarnegara
I Permanajati, Z Zakaria, MSD Hadian, HZ Anwar, R Setijadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 145, 012040, 2018
Preliminary Study of the Geology of Tirta Marta Lake, Purbalingga, Central Java
S Iswahyudi, IP Jati, R Setijadi
Jurnal Dinamika Rekayasa 14 (2), 86-91, 2018
Perhitungan temperatur reservoir panas bumi mata air panas daerah bantarkawung menggunakan metode geotermometer Na-K dan entalpi-silika
S Iswahyudi, LW Attabik, R Setijadi, SA Raharjo
Jurnal Geosaintek 5 (1), 7-12, 2019
Fluktuasi Vegetasi Hutan Mangrove di Pantai Gandhong-Sayung Demak Berdasarkan Bukti Palinologinya
SWA Suedy, R Setijadi
Jurnal BIOSFER UNSOED 24 (3), 2007
The Origin of Geothermal Water Around Slamet Volcano-Paguyangan-Cipari, Central Java, Indonesia
S Iswahyudi, I Permanajati, R Setijadi, JA Zaenurrohman, MA Pamungkas
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 5 (4), 181-184, 2020
Studi Pendahuluan Geologi Telaga Tirta Marta, Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah
S Iswahyudi, IP Jati, R Setijadi
Din. Rekayasa 14 (2), 86-91, 2018
Protection of Corrosion Attack in Reinforced Concrete Due to Chloride Ion Using Calcium Stearate
RS Agus Maryoto, Buntara S. Gan, Nor Intang Setyo Hermanto
Journal of Engineering and Aplied Sciences 12 (6), 7965-7970, 2017
Keanekaragaman flora hutan mangrove di Pantai Rembang dan Semarang berdasarkan bukti palinologinya
R Setijadi, SWA Suedi
Berkala Penelitian Hayati Edisi Khusus A 7, 25-28, 2011
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Articles 1–20