Ioannis Georgakopoulos
Ioannis Georgakopoulos
Associate, University of West Attica, Greece
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Cited by
Identifying Factors of Students’ Failure in Blended Courses by Analyzing Students’ Engagement Data
EK Ioannis Georgakopoulos, Miltiadis Chalikias, Vassilis Zakopoulos
Education Sciences, 2020
Intelligent predictive analytics for identifying students at risk of failure in Moodle courses
T Anagnostopoulos, C Kytagias, T Xanthopoulos, I Georgakopoulos, ...
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 16th International Conference, ITS 2020 …, 2020
A Prediction Model for Remote Lab Courses Designed upon the Principles of Education for Sustainable Development
I Georgakopoulos, D Piromalis, S Ntanos, V Zakopoulos, P Makrygiannis
Sustainability 15 (6), 5473, 2023
Identifying risks factors of students' failure in e-learning systems: towards a warning system
I Georgakopoulos, C Kytagias, Y Psaromiligkos, A Voudouri
International Journal of Decision Support Systems 3 (3-4), 190-206, 2018
Developing a Risk Model to identify factors which critically affect Secondary School students’ performance in Mathematics.
S Tsakirtzis, I Georgakopoulos
Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1 (2), 63-72, 2020
Controlling Attrition in Blended Courses by Identifying Students at Risk: A Case Study on MS-Teams
DK Vassilis Zakopoulos, Ioannis Georgakopoulos , Evaggelia Kossieri
International Journal of Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, 2021
Generating a Model to Predict Secondary School Students at Risk in Mathematics.
I Georgakopoulos, S Tsakirtzis
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 16 (2), 2021
A Robust Risk Model to Identify Factors that Affect Students’ Critical Achievement in Remote Lab Courses
I Georgakopoulos, D Piromalis, PS Makrygiannis, V Zakopoulos, ...
Int. J. Econ. Bus. Adm 10, 3-22, 2022
A Framework to Identify Non-Achievers in eLearning Business Informatics Lab Courses
V Zakopoulos, I Georgakopoulos, C Dalakouras, P Dimitrakopoulos, ...
Journal of Comprehensive Business Administration Research, 2024
Developing a risk model to control attrition by analyzing students’ academic and nonacademic data
V Zakopoulos, I Georgakopoulos, P Kontaxaki
University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association, 2022
Identifying Factors which Critically Affect Students' Failure in Blended Courses.
I Georgakopoulos, MS Chalikias, V Zakopoulos, E Kossieri
HAICTA, 12-18, 2020
Identifying Defects in Learning Design through a Risk Analysis Process based on Learning Analytics
ID Georgakopoulos, CD Kytagias, I Liomas, Y Psaromiligkos, A Voudouri
Predicting Students’ Performance using Moodle Analytics-The “CONNECT” approach
V Zakopoulos, I Georgakopoulos
The “CONNECT Approach” Handbook can assume the role of a piloting guide in …, 2023
Investigating factors affecting secondary school non-achievers in mathematics before and after the pandemic
TC TSAKİRTZİS Stylıanos, Georgakopoulos Ioannis
Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 4 (2), 67-76, 2023
Identifying factors which critically affect students’ failure in blended courses
V Zakopoulos, M Chalikias, E Kossieri, I Georgakopoulos
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and …, 2020
Identifying risks factors of students' failure in e-learning systems: towards a warning system
C Kytagias, I Georgakopoulos, IY Psaromiligkos, A Voudouri
International Journal of Decision Support Systems, 2019
Identifying Defects in Learning Design through a Risk Analysis Process based on Learning Analytics
C Kytagias, I Georgakopoulos, I Liomas, IY Psaromiligkos, A Voudouri
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference …, 2016
Predicting Students’ Performance using Moodle Analytics-The “CONNECT” approach
I Georgakopoulos, V Zakopoulos
The “CONNECT Approach” Handbook can assume the role of a piloting guide in …, 0
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Articles 1–18