Louie H. Yang
Cited by
Cited by
The ecology of individuals: incidence and implications of individual specialization
DI Bolnick, R Svanbäck, JA Fordyce, LH Yang, JM Davis, CD Hulsey, ...
The American Naturalist 161 (1), 1-28, 2003
Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation
ET Borer, EW Seabloom, DS Gruner, WS Harpole, H Hillebrand, EM Lind, ...
Nature 508 (7497), 517-520, 2014
Measuring individual‐level resource specialization
DI Bolnick, LH Yang, JA Fordyce, JM Davis, R Svanbäck
Ecology 83 (10), 2936-2941, 2002
What can we learn from resource pulses
LH Yang, JL Bastow, KO Spence, AN Wright
Ecology 89 (3), 621-634, 2008
Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness
PB Adler, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, H Hillebrand, Y Hautier, A Hector, ...
science 333 (6050), 1750-1753, 2011
Phenology, ontogeny and the effects of climate change on the timing of species interactions
LH Yang, VHW Rudolf
Ecology letters 13 (1), 1-10, 2010
Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients
PA Fay, SM Prober, WS Harpole, JMH Knops, JD Bakker, ET Borer, ...
Nature plants 1 (7), 1-5, 2015
Agroecology: A review from a global-change perspective
TP Tomich, S Brodt, H Ferris, R Galt, WR Horwath, E Kebreab, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 36 (1), 193-222, 2011
A meta‐analysis of resource pulse–consumer interactions
LH Yang, KF Edwards, JE Byrnes, JL Bastow, AN Wright, KO Spence
Ecological Monographs 80 (1), 125-151, 2010
Volatile communication between plants that affects herbivory: a meta‐analysis
R Karban, LH Yang, KF Edwards
Ecology letters 17 (1), 44-52, 2014
Insects as drivers of ecosystem processes
LH Yang, C Gratton
Current Opinion in Insect Science 2, 26-32, 2014
Marine subsidies have multiple effects on coastal food webs
DA Spiller, J Piovia-Scott, AN Wright, LH Yang, G Takimoto, TW Schoener, ...
Ecology 91 (5), 1424-1434, 2010
Periodical cicadas as resource pulses in North American forests
LH Yang
Science 306 (5701), 1565-1567, 2004
The mechanisms of phenology: the patterns and processes of phenological shifts
HE Chmura, HM Kharouba, J Ashander, SM Ehlman, EB Rivest, LH Yang
Ecological Monographs, 2018
Plant species’ origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, YM Buckley, EE Cleland, KF Davies, J Firn, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7710, 2015
Comparing resource pulses in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
WH Nowlin, MJ Vanni, LH Yang
Ecology 89 (3), 647-659, 2008
Behavior as a key component of integrative biology in a human-altered world
A Sih, J Stamps, LH Yang, R McElreath, M Ramenofsky
Integrative and comparative biology 50 (6), 934-944, 2010
Seabird islands ecology, invasion, and restoration
CPH Mulder, WB Anderson, DR Towns, PJ Bellingham
Oxford, England Oxford University Press, 2011
Drosophila Regulate Yeast Density and Increase Yeast Community Similarity in a Natural Substrate
JA Stamps, LH Yang, VM Morales, KL Boundy-Mills
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e42238, 2012
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, Y Buckley, EE Cleland, K Davies, J Firn, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (12), 3677-3687, 2013
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Articles 1–20