Masayoshi Aritsugi
Masayoshi Aritsugi
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Semantic cosine similarity
F Rahutomo, T Kitasuka, M Aritsugi
The 7th international student conference on advanced science and technology …, 2012
Cooperative MPR selection to reduce topology control packets in OLSR
K Yamada, T Itokawa, T Kitasuka, M Aritsugi
TENCON 2010-2010 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 293-298, 2010
Efficient feature extraction model for validation performance improvement of duplicate bug report detection in software bug triage systems
BS Neysiani, SM Babamir, M Aritsugi
Information and Software Technology 126, 106344, 2020
T-DFNN: an incremental learning algorithm for intrusion detection systems
M Data, M Aritsugi
IEEE Access 9, 154156-154171, 2021
Performance evaluation of AODV and AOMDV with probabilistic relay in VANET environments
R Anggoro, T Kitasuka, R Nakamura, M Aritsugi
2012 Third International Conference on Networking and Computing, 259-263, 2012
Low-cost IMU and GPS fusion strategy for apron vehicle positioning
B Suwandi, T Kitasuka, M Aritsugi
TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 449-454, 2017
Efficient processing of multiple nested event pattern queries over multi-dimensional event streams based on a triaxial hierarchical model
F Xiao, M Aritsugi, Q Wang, R Zhang
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 72, 56-71, 2016
Vehicle vibration error compensation on IMU-accelerometer sensor using adaptive filter and low-pass filter approaches
B Suwandi, T Kitasuka, M Aritsugi
Journal of Information Processing 27, 33-40, 2019
Deep learning based sentiment classification in social network services datasets
ZZ Wint, Y Manabe, M Aritsugi
2018 IEEE international conference on big data, cloud computing, data …, 2018
An svm-based masquerade detection method with online update using co-occurrence matrix
L Chen, M Aritsugi
Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, 37-53, 2006
To optimize, or not to optimize, that is the question: TelU-KU models for WMT21 Large-Scale Multilingual Machine Translation
SD Budiwati, T Fatyanosa, M Data, DR Wijaya, PA Telnoni, AA Suryani, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation, 387-397, 2021
Spell corrector to social media datasets in message filtering systems
ZZ Wint, T Ducros, M Aritsugi
2017 Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management …, 2017
Can we detect bug report duplication with unfinished bug reports?
A Tsuruda, Y Manabe, M Aritsugi
2015 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 151-158, 2015
Effects of the number of hyperparameters on the performance of GA-CNN
TN Fatyanosa, M Aritsugi
2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications …, 2020
Design and implementation of multiple type objects in a persistent programming language
M Aritsugi, A Makinouchi
Proceedings Nineteenth Annual International Computer Software and …, 1995
Implementing time-interval class for managing temporal data
T Amagasa, M Aritsugi, Y Kanamori
Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 1998
IoT solutions with artificial intelligence technologies for precision agriculture: definitions, applications, challenges, and opportunities
EEK Senoo, L Anggraini, JA Kumi, BK Luna, E Akansah, HA Sulyman, ...
Electronics 13 (10), 1894, 2024
A population-based hybrid approach for hyperparameter optimization of neural networks
L Japa, M Serqueira, I MendonçA, M Aritsugi, E Bezerra, PH González
IEEE Access 11, 50752-50768, 2023
An automatic convolutional neural network optimization using a diversity-guided genetic algorithm
TN Fatyanosa, M Aritsugi
IEEE Access 9, 91410-91426, 2021
Monitoring and control framework for iot, implemented for smart agriculture
EEK Senoo, E Akansah, I Mendonça, M Aritsugi
Sensors 23 (5), 2714, 2023
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Articles 1–20