Jason Paul Cruz
Jason Paul Cruz
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Cited by
RBAC-SC: Role-based access control using smart contract
JP Cruz, Y Kaji, N Yanai
Ieee Access 6, 12240-12251, 2018
Eth2vec: learning contract-wide code representations for vulnerability detection on ethereum smart contracts
N Ashizawa, N Yanai, JP Cruz, S Okamura
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international symposium on blockchain and secure …, 2021
E-voting system based on the bitcoin protocol and blind signatures
JP Cruz, Y Kaji
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications 10 (1), 14-22, 2017
RA: Hunting for re-entrancy attacks in ethereum smart contracts via static analysis
Y Chinen, N Yanai, JP Cruz, S Okamura
2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 327-336, 2020
The Bitcoin Network as Platform for TransOrganizational Attribute Authentication
JP Cruz, Y Kaji
The Third International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based …, 2015
Hybrid-bft: Optimistically responsive synchronous consensus with optimal latency or resilience
A Momose, JP Cruz, Y Kaji
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020
ISDSR+: improving the security and availability of secure routing protocol
H Kojima, N Yanai, JP Cruz
IEEE Access 7, 74849-74868, 2019
Steganography and data hiding in flash video (FLV)
JP Cruz, NJ Libatique, G Tangonan
TENCON 2012 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2012
MOBIUS: model-oblivious binarized neural networks
H Kitai, JP Cruz, N Yanai, N Nishida, T Oba, Y Unagami, T Teruya, ...
IEEE Access 7, 139021-139034, 2019
Key-aggregate searchable encryption, revisited: formal foundations for cloud applications, and their implementation
M Kamimura, N Yanai, S Okamura, JP Cruz
IEEE Access 8, 24153-24169, 2020
Force-locking attack on sync hotstuff
A Momose, JP Cruz
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019
Towards further formal foundation of web security: expression of temporal logic in Alloy and its application to a security model with cache
H Shimamoto, N Yanai, S Okamura, JP Cruz, S Ou, T Okubo
IEEE Access 7, 74941-74960, 2019
Constant-sum fingerprinting for Winternitz one-time signature
JP Cruz, Y Yatani, Y Kaji
2016 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications …, 2016
An empirical study of impact of solidity compiler updates on vulnerabilities
C Kado, N Yanai, JP Cruz, S Okamura
2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2023
SPGC: integration of secure multiparty computation and differential privacy for gradient computation on collaborative learning
K Iwahana, N Yanai, JP Cruz, T Fujiwara
Journal of Information Processing 30, 209-225, 2022
Ra: A static analysis tool for analyzing re-entrancy attacks in ethereum smart contracts
Y Chinen, N Yanai, JP Cruz, S Okamura
Journal of Information Processing 29, 537-547, 2021
Efficient secure neural network prediction protocol reducing accuracy degradation
N Nishida, T Oba, Y Unagami, JP Cruz, N Yanai, T Teruya, N Attrapadung, ...
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 2020
Trans-Organizational Role-Based Access Control in Android
JP Cruz, Y Kaji
The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation, 2014
APVAS+: A practical extension of BGPsec with low memory requirement
T Takemura, N Yanai, N Umeda, M Okada, S Okamura, JP Cruz
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-7, 2021
SQUAB: A virtualized infrastructure for experiments on BGP and its extensions
N Umeda, N Yanai, T Takemura, M Okada, JP Cruz, S Okamura
International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications …, 2021
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Articles 1–20