Erika Lloyd
Erika Lloyd
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Cited by
Parameterized quantum circuits as machine learning models
M Benedetti, E Lloyd, S Sack, M Fiorentini
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (4), 043001, 2019
Optimizing Electronic Structure Simulations on a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer using Problem Decomposition
Y Kawashima, E Lloyd, MP Coons, Y Nam, S Matsuura, AJ Garza, S Johri, ...
Communications Physics, 2021, 2021
Time-resolved imaging of negative differential resistance on the atomic scale
M Rashidi, M Taucer, I Ozfidan, E Lloyd, M Koleini, H Labidi, JL Pitters, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (27), 276805, 2016
Resolving and tuning carrier capture rates at a single silicon atom gap state
M Rashidi, E Lloyd, TR Huff, R Achal, M Taucer, JJ Croshaw, RA Wolkow
ACS nano 11 (11), 11732-11738, 2017
Ionic charge distributions in silicon atomic surface wires
J Croshaw, T Huff, M Rashidi, J Wood, E Lloyd, J Pitters, RA Wolkow
Nanoscale 13 (5), 3237-3245, 2021
Tangelo: An open-source python package for end-to-end chemistry workflows on quantum computers
V Senicourt, J Brown, A Fleury, R Day, E Lloyd, MP Coons, K Bieniasz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12424, 2022
Parameterized quantum circuits as machine learning models. Quantum Science and Technology 4 (4): 043001
M Benedetti, E Lloyd, S Sack, M Fiorentini
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07682, 2019
Circuitos cuánticos parametrizados como modelos de aprendizaje automático
M Benedetti, E Lloyd, S Sack, M Fiorentini
Ciencia y tecnología cuánticas 4 (4), 043001, 2019
Non-unitary Coupled Cluster on Gate-based Quantum Computers
A Fleury, J Brown, E Lloyd, M Hernandez, IH Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.11574, 2024
Guided Multi-objective Generative AI to Enhance Structure-based Drug Design
A Kadan, K Ryczko, E Lloyd, A Roitberg, T Yamazaki
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.11785, 2024
Iterative Qubit Coupled Cluster using only Clifford circuits
J Brown, MP Coons, E Lloyd, A Fleury, K Bieniasz, V Senicourt, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.10501, 2022
Time Resolved Measurements of Dangling Bonds and Surface Structures
EA Lloyd
Guided Multi-objective Generative AI for Structure-based Drug Design
A Kadan, K Ryczko, E Lloyd, A Roitberg, T Yamazaki
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Articles 1–13