Graziela Luzia
Cited by
Cited by
The Brazilian global atmospheric model (BAM): performance for tropical rainfall forecasting and sensitivity to convective scheme and horizontal resolution
SN Figueroa, JP Bonatti, PY Kubota, GA Grell, H Morrison, SRM Barros, ...
Weather and Forecasting 31 (5), 1547-1572, 2016
Validation of European-scale simulated wind speed and wind generation time series
JP Murcia, MJ Koivisto, G Luzia, BT Olsen, AN Hahmann, PE Sørensen, ...
Applied Energy 305, 117794, 2022
Evaluating the mesoscale spatio-temporal variability in simulated wind speed time series over northern Europe
G Luzia, AN Hahmann, MJ Koivisto
Wind Energy Science 7 (6), 2255-2270, 2022
Validating EURO-CORDEX climate simulations for modelling European wind power generation
G Luzia, MJ Koivisto, AN Hahmann
Renewable Energy 217, 118989, 2023
Future wind energy resources in the North Sea as predicted by CMIP6 models
AN Hahmann, A Peña, SC Pryor, G Luzia
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9093, 2020
Wind resources in CMIP6 models for the North Sea
A Hahmann, A Peña, S Pryor, G Luzia
Conference proceedings at EGU, 2020
Mesoscale modelling of future climate impacts on wind power generation
G Luzia
DTU Wind and Energy Systems, 2023
Mesoscale modelling of the spatio-temporal variability in wind and solar time series for power and energy system applications
G Luzia, AN Hahmann, MJ Koivisto
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-12759, 2022
Evaluating EURO-CORDEX simulations for power and energy system applications
G Luzia
NCKF's Symposium 2022: Climate research-Major scientific challenges, 2022
The DOI for this manuscript is doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-16-0062.1 The final published version of this manuscript will replace the preliminary version at the above DOI once it is …
S Figueroa, J Bonatti, P Kubota, G Grell, H Morrison, S Barros, ...
EA de Pós-Graduação
Discriminação espectral entre cepas de uvas em imagens de satélites
GL Costa
Salão de Iniciação Científica (21.: 2009 out. 19-23: Porto Alegre, RS …, 2009
The Intersection of Climate and Renewable Energy Research: Successes and Limitations
AN Hahmann, G Luzia, M Koivisto
Mesoscale modeling of the spatio-temporal variability in wind speed time series for power and energy system applications
G Luzia, AN Hahmann, MJ Koivisto
Relatório 1/5-Plano do Trabalho
G Luzia
Relatório 3/5-Quantificação da Disponibilidade Futura do Recurso Eólico no Brasil–Análises e Resultados Preliminares
G Luzia
Diferenciação espectral e efeitos de sombreamento em vegetações em imagem Hyperion
JR Ducati, RR Santos, MG Bombassaro, G Luzia
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Articles 1–17